~~~~The eyes of Ansa can take my breath away~~~~
online life takes a chunk of my days. Maybe not yours. But certainly mine. Some can make a living at this. Others not.
Then there are people like me who partake in the etherlife for the sheer pleasure and enjoyment of it all. Not to mention the fellowship, the kindred-spirit-club membership of it.
I took the time off to write, to finish a novel started far too long ago (along with one finished, another half finished and a book of short stories, completed).
It's not so much the getting published and making millions, ha. It's the wrapping up. The freeing of the imagination for other endeavours like a couple of plays. Or even another book. I feel so many nested within me.
But getting down to the writing all day, every day. What a challenge!! I had all my meals pre-cooked and frozen. My phone was barely used with a message telling people to call back in March, message on FB, on blog and on emails. No visitors to the house - stay away. Let me do this.
Without any distractions, devils start dancing, unbidden old memories surface and strangulate. Depression skulks around the corridors of the brain, old, old templates form on the edges of reality and point wizened fingers behind the eyeballs, I won't repeat them here as their harsh roots may take hold one more time.
The time off yielded more despair than delight, more sads than happies, more unforgiving ghosts than amiable friends.
Would I do it again? Hell, yeah.
But I missed you guys.
And now I'm off to visit the lot of ye now.