Thursday, August 15, 2019

Words for Wednesday

This week's words are hosted by River. Go visit her and see what others are up to.

Here are the words:

1. "then I was going to bed, where I planned to stay until Christmas"
2. "I'm always careful," I said calmly, stepping straight into a puddle.

And here is the picture:

I'd suspected he hadn't been paying attention to me for quite a while. When we travelled to Lucezia, his idea, backpacks, keeping it simple, hostel staying, his ignoring of me got worse. He was preoccupied. But not in an attractive, intellectual way. More like his face wore a permanent 'I'm not with her' grimace walking way ahead or way behind me. I thought he might be going deaf. I began to test the waters, so to speak.

Like walking along Gallery Lane, I started talking away to him.

"I think I might be six months pregnant," I announced.

"If you insist," he responded, in this dead flat voice, and stopped in front of the ice-cream booth, not looking at me as usual.

"I'm always careful" I said calmly, stepping straight into a puddle, deliberately splashing mud and petrol all over his fine khaki pants. He didn't even notice.

He bought himself a gelati and started licking it absently as he walked away from me. Like I wasn't there. Like I never had been there.

"Stop!" I screamed after his retreating back, his muddy pants. He ignored me. As always.

I ran to catch up, it wasn't hard, slightly uphill.

I wasn't through with him yet. Not by a long shot. For now, I would try once more to connect with him, then I was going to bed, where I planned to stay until Christmas.

I miss him so. My grave is a very lonely place.


  1. I didn't expect that final sentence, I was mentally helping her plan revenge. Nicely done.

  2. Very clever. I like the way you weave stories from the assigned words and photo.

  3. I'm surprised his remoteness wasn't spotted before the ghastly trip to Lucezia, and the relationship called off.

  4. She died Nick - wasn't that clear in the last line?

    And to all the rest of you thanks for the kind comments and the birthday wishes!!



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