Sunday, June 26, 2022

Confined to Barracks

 Well that's it. The headline. 

Three words.

The story of my life at the moment.

Normally I love being home, not having plans. But three weeks of it?

A bit of a challenge.

So what do I do with my time?

I read.

I'm on the internet.

I play Scrabble with friends around the world more frequently (we've been playing for over a decade and we all have high ratings)

I started to take pictures of this interior life.

I welcome guests, but only those who are safe. Masked. Careful. Cautious. As the Summer Wave of the Pandemic still hasn't hit here yet but has in other parts of the globe. Some of my friends have been, and still are in some cases, deathly ill with the blasted thing.

I social-media-post outrage for that patriarchal country to the south of us throwing women to the curb once more. Has ERA ever been ratified down there? I doubt it but am too lazy to check. Or care. The women need to arm themselves with the liberal gun laws and determine their own futures. As guns are the only thing understood down there it seems. It's heartening to see many younger Canadian women of my acquaintance offering Usian women sanctuary and abortion free of charge if and when they need it.

And PS I'm on a pain medication but still sleeping in my recliner as lying down in a bed is a thing of the past for now. I feel like I'm permanently camping (which, ps, I've always hated) but in my living room without the views of the great outdoors.


  1. Mary C. from Washington StateSun Jun 26, 04:01:00 PM GMT-2:30

    Not sure what changed in signing in but will comment as above. I went to a rally for abortion rights in town on Thursday night. Prior rallies had a lot of people my age (79) but this one was not only well attended but mostly young people. I was impressed with their signs and their passion. Now to work to get them out to vote. Also I have a doctor friend in Seattle who offered a place to stay and money for transportation if anyone needed medical help. I wish I could feel we can turn this around but instead I am just feeling the need to do my part.

    Sorry to hear of your confinement but so glad you are at your blog. I have always loved it. Have often wished for a neighbor like you and I am thankful I have a virtual one in you.

    1. Thank you for your comment Mary, always a pleasure reading you. I am so glad the troops are rallying. My bro in Costa Rica was telling me today there has been enormous applications by Usians escaping this latest conflagration of rights. It makes me so sad thinking of all of you who have fought for so long. And all of my Usian friends are with you in this latest outrage.

  2. Ough, I sure hope those pains will not like camping either and take their leave.

    1. Fingers crossed Charlotte. I am trying to line up a physio.

  3. I hope you at least get to sleep on the recliner! I hated camping too!

    1. Ah my soul sister. I'm a Holiday Inn woman. I went camping - kids- budget many times and hated the effort of having to smile through it.

  4. I loved camping until the back and joints began to go in my 20's. I hope you can sleep in that chair...

    1. It's exactly a sleep E, more a series of naps. Pain comes and goes even with the heavy duty drugs. I'm telling you I've never appreciated the little things more. Like a bed to sleep in.

  5. Camping sounds rather yuk and icky to me. Take good care of yourself.

    1. I know Andrew? right. Though my kids love it. Elder Daughter car camped the whole length of Canada a few years back. I would run screaming for the hills.

  6. My parents showed four children the length and breadth of this country. Camping was the only way they could afford the travel. I did the same for my children, camping. And they their children. One daughter, her husband and children are too rabid about camping for me. Too many mountains in their repertoire.

    1. I desperately wanted to like it, Joanne, I'd like to make that clear, and as a child and young adult we roughed it for the summers on an island off the coast of Ireland, But it had a roof and rooms, LOL.

  7. I love jars of pencils, boxes of pencils, trays of pencils, I just love pencils. Pity I can't draw worth a damn. I fear the Un-united states won't be satisfied unto they have killed most of themselves off.

    1. Ah a fellow pencilite. I love the oxymoron nature of all the things Usians label themselves and their country. "One Nation" "free" "greatest democracy" etc. when it all couldn't be further from the truth.

  8. I'm sorry to hear you've been laid up; not Covid I hope.
    The UK is experiencing a new wave of the virus, probably because very few people wear masks in shops and trains any more - ( "my dear, masks are sooo last year!" )
    Naturally I do wear one.
    Doesn't help we have a man-toddler in charge who has become bored with statistics related to Covid - this week we will reach the sobering figure of 180,000 dead.
    Anyway, Mary, do take care and look after yourself X

    1. 180,000? Jeez Anne that is frightening. And I agree on our poor political leaders. Here in NL they are all ostriches and our chief medical officer has been muzzled, so no data. Just take off the masks and have a good time. Death rates have soared.
      No I don't have Covid. Like you super masked and careful and cautious. Just other issues impacting my physicality and well being. But surmountable, I hope.
      Take care of yourself Anne.

  9. My husband and I would like to leave the US, and Texas, especially, but we have four granddaughters and one grandson here, and one of them is gay. Gay rights are to be revisited, according to Thomas. I can't afford more than a day of mourning before I get back to work in my own small way changing things.

    After my brain surgeries, it was about two years before I felt comfortable sleeping in a bed, so I spent four years altogether sleeping exclusively in a chair with an ottoman. It was actually longer,. By that time, I found the chair more comfortable than my dipped-in-the-middle mattress. The mattress has now been replaced and I'm back in the bed, but, as you know, chronic pain does not take a vacation at night. I hope you're soon able to spend your sleeping time in a bed.

    1. That is my hope Linda, a bed. Sometime. Soon. I adore my good mattress bed which lies there taunting me. I hear you on what other horrors can be visited. This court has no business interfering in the lives of citizens. Especially knowing the history of so many of them. It makes me sick to my stomach, the downright misogyny and bible reverence. They should all be sacked and never ever have this kind of power again. I hope all are looking at the whole structure of the political system which does not honour the popular vote and puts monsters in office.
      I share your pain.

  10. I am sorry to hear about your condition. I wish that I was there to pop in and cheer you up now and then. I pray for your quick recovery.

    1. Thank you Ramana, and I know you would bring good eats with you.


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