Saturday, January 21, 2023

Bowing and Scraping

Lately I've been taking a critical look at all the genuflecting, bowing and kneeling to other humans going on in the world. Still. In 2023. All over the place.

Every petty despot or tyrant, inherited wealth, inherited "positions" either through birth or election or anointment in some way commanding or demanding the respect of the tip of the hat or a curtsey or a bow or a kissing of rings or other such artifacts.

It begs the questions as to why we still do this. Remnants of slavery? Acknowledgement of our "betters"? Like what the almighty hell? At this stage of "progress" we all know that many of these so called icons of grandeur have been guilty of more transgressions than we can count.

Freshly ordinated Catholic priests in front of bishops carry it to a further extreme, as do many other religions.

In this age of supposed equality of all, it's just about laughable that so many attach such groveling servitude to others deemed their superiors when the truth has long been exposed about past slavery and appalling abuses of such privilege including genocides.

And sidebar big question: have they ever done anything to earn this outrageous reverence? 


  1. Not something I had considered but you are right. In my book respect has to be earned.

  2. You are tellin' it like it is, sista! -Kate

  3. The newly ordained priests are not prostrate in front of the Bishop, but in front of Him who created us all, and humbly lives in the tabernacle. (If you look closer, you see the bishops and priests kneeling, facing the same way as the candidates)
    But I certainly I agree that politicians and many other leaders are not up to standard, among those TV stars and fashion icons.

  4. They have probably done enough damage in their lives for us to stick a finger up in front of their faces. I am surprised no one has ever stuck their hand out for a handshake to royalty, rather than bowing and curtseying.

  5. I haven't ever thought about this apart from the kissing of the ring, which to me is a big NO NO. Yuk. Does the ring get washed and/or sterilised between each kiss? Seems like a great way to spread germs. As for the rest of the bowing etc, I think it is outdated and needs to stop. I think a respectful head nod and handshake should be enough.

  6. Older institutions, such as monarchy and Roman Catholicism, tend to hang onto old traditions of showing respect to those higher up in the social hierarchy. But they do so in largely ritualistic occasions. I don’t think it is remnants of slavery but rather remnants of older social hierarchies. In modern hierarchies such as corporations, democratic assemblies and Protestant sects, a handshake will do. Why we hang on to outdated traditions and practices is perhaps the bigger question, and bigger still is the question of why social hierarchies still exist.

  7. A retired nurse I know says we uphold doctors as our modern day priests, verbally genuflecting with unearned praise and adoration when they even deign to acknowledge us mere humans. This is mostly women who do this. But then that's who deified priests too isn't it?

  8. roisin in NY here. Yeah - ridiculous - your majesty, your highness, your holiness. It’s a wonder they don’t put a stop to it themselves, you’d think they’d feel embarrassed. I know - power, privilege…

  9. From what I gather, the Queen hated too much pomp and ceremony and probably wouldn't have been bothered if her guests forgot all the curtseying and deferential nonsense.

  10. Remnants of serfdom, WWW, when human beings were possessions of their landowner masters. It still sticks in the psyche.


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