Tuesday, May 14, 2024

A Long Blurt: Understanding the Trump Cult.

I admit, try as I might, I never could understand how so many are swept up in the Cult of Trump and now I finally do - I finally do, and it scares the bejesus out of me. For if it could happen here, in the microcosm that is my world, it could happen anywhere.

My building has 49 apartments with approximately 55 tenants. All of us are seniors ranging in age from 65 to 90+, independent, self-cooking, self-feeding and self-bathing and -dressing.

The building was purchased last September by a very well known charitable organization. I have donated to them in the past as they help so many disadvantaged and have a stellar reputation. As you know, I was elected Chair of the Tenants’ Committee.

So the manager of the building was fired. We are not privy to the reasons and we shouldn’t be as he is an employee of the building owners (who have at least 500 employees). It would be a breach of confidentially.

He has been allowed to stay on here in his reduced rent apartment until he finds another position. Which is more than fair.

Since his firing last week he has gone around the building summoning support for a petition requesting his re-hire as he has been treated so unfairly.

I overheard a few of his conversations with fellow tenants, he has threatened some and yelled at others and monitors the notice board in the lobby all day and night dragging tenants over and hovering over them as they sign.

I have asked the committee not to get involved in this as the full picture is unknowable at this point and our new owners would certainly have grounds to dismiss him. (I know of a few of his transgressions, learned on the grapevine).

The answers from the 66% (so far) who have signed are:

(1) He’s a wonderful kind man and it’s appalling how they are treating him

(2) They were forcing him to do jobs that wasn’t part of his agreement (they’re not)

(3)They told him he had lied on this application about being computer literate.

(4) They’re saying he went AWOL and we know that’s not true (it is)

(5) They’re saying he wasn’t out of his pajamas before noon and watched TV all day and that’s not true (it is)

And on it goes. The man should have been canonized long ago.

I have no idea how it will all go down But I did phone one of the board today to give them a heads up on the confrontation the tenants have planned. The adversarial discord in the building. The glares those who didn't sign up are getting. Some on the committee have caved under the pressure. 

I felt it only fair to warn them. As this board is truly amazing on what they are planning for here (and have secured funding for). And I just know they would never dismiss anyone without just cause. And this “saint” of a man has definitely given them many.

And it really hit me, as I mull all of this over, this is Trumpville. The truth doesn’t matter but let us hang my hat on a cause and be part of this wonderful cult.



  1. Good luck. Completely rational people have their reason overcome by hyperbole. I'm sure new management is shaking their heads and telling their lawyers to hold off, perhaps the man will leave. I hope it is settled easily.

    1. So do I Joanne, it's a very stressful situation, especially for those of us who didn't sign up. He has threatened others in the past for "offending" him..

  2. Sigh. I really, really hope that it can be settled quickly and easily. And loathe the unquestioning adoption of the cause. Any cause.

    1. Me too EC. Not really care where the truth lies. At all.

  3. That's a great, and sad, example of how these things happen.

  4. I can't agree with you on one point. If he is the manager of your building, your homes, I feel you have a right to know why he was dismissed. While you might personally know from gathered information, why not a posted notice along the lines of "Due to underperformance in his building managerial duties, we will be employing a new building manager". Something like that. That answers anyone's concerns and surely would stop any kind of resident protest action.

    1. The only flaw with that Andrew would be that he would have to walk by it every day, thus accelerating his rage. Perhaps. He's quite volatile. But I agree in a calmer world it would be an excellent solution.

  5. Well, this situation sounds like it's annoying, so I hope that it's resolved soon and that you're back to a peaceful apartment complex where everyone gets along (which doesn't mean that everyone has to agree, just that they're civil and respectful of one another). But it sounds like you have a good Board, and you like them, so things will probably work out. Good luck!

    1. Yes, I do think we have both an excellent tenants' committee and and excellent board with a reputation beyond reproach for fairness and compassion. I hope it all settles down and soon.

  6. That all sounds rather nasty. As you say, some people just want to be part of an exciting "cause", even if it's based on lies and misinformation. Hard to see how such a feverish atmosphere can be dialled down, but hopefully it can be.

    1. I am hoping Nick. But I find the whole incident rather alienating for myself and a few more rational tenants. You take a second look and think to yourself almighty gawd I'm surrounded by eejits.

  7. Sometimes the problem resolves itself by the sheer unpredictability of the person causing it; either they decide to leave in sulk or they take a "wouldn't stay if you paid me" attitude!

    1. I'm hoping he's either evicted or leaves, it's a very unpleasant situation as he just about lives in the lobby.

  8. What timing: earlier this morning I was thinking of where I would move to if Trump gets re-elected, and then poof, here is your article. Cult indeed. It's horrifying but at least you know what, and who, you're dealing with now.

    1. As I write it's all settled down a little and the Board have called a meeting with the Tenants' Committee next week to discuss matters.

  9. Absolutely, DKZ you have nailed it. And I will do a follow-up post at some later time to show how it all has evolved in this micro world of ours.

  10. It really is a mystery why people will act in ways opposed to their own best interest, and can get sucked in so easily. How any woman (anyone at all, actually, but especially women) could vote for Trump is beyond my understanding, but he has a legion of rabid women followers. I hope that all works well in the end in your building.

    1. I will do a followup on this David when all the tension subsides. I, like your good self, remain puzzled as to the women voting for this monster orange blot who will push women back into the 19th century with absolutely no rights.
      Margaret Attwood was extraordinarily prescient.


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