One of the traits in other humans I dislike the most is white male privilege. It's not as evident in white females, usually because they don't have the lofty heights of wealth that men do. But once wealthy, things change for women too.
I worked for many wealthy men over the years and 90% were of that variety, believing if you only worked hard enough you could be like them. And the poorer and more ill-educated one was, the more they were believed. Hence the rise of the Maga cult in the states and the convoy here in Canada. I cancelled my Twitter account because of all the white male privilege on display on that platform as there is always misogyny lying beneath it. I always count the number of women in cabinets or in any governmental representation of those in charge. I am consistently disappointed. We, women, are 51% of the population and sometimes have zero representation or a few token women who toe the line.
I offer you this:
Pope, Council of Cardinals discussed the role of women in the Church.
But there are exceptions. I was reading a heartbreaking email from a US friend this morning who wrote about his twenty-year next door neighbours. The father was carted off in the middle of the night for driving at 63 MPH in a 55MPH zone, he was non-white as were his family. My friend. much aware of his own privilege, is speaking out publicly as the wife of his neighbour and their 2 children cannot, as they are cowering in their home in terror and fear. They have no idea where the husband and father has been sent. My friend is funding for them to get legal help as they can't. This is the state of the U.S. today. My friend is very aware that going over a fraction of the speed limit would never have seen him arrested, being white. He is beyond enraged at what has happened to his neighbour, a hard working factory worker, the sole financial support for his family.
I see more and more countries being taken over by white privileged males. Much to the detriment of civil societies with the same rules of law for everyone and not just for the huddled masses. It's terrifying. We need equality desperately and ordinary women need far more say in the issues that really matter mainly poverty, mental health, free health care and yes, climate change, the biggest challenge of all.
And that is why my heart sank when I first knew that Kamala Harris was running for leadership. She was well qualified, experienced and personable but I doubted that enough voters were wise enough to elect a female.
ReplyDeleteAgreed OTP. It will be a long time before there is a female president in the US - and we only had a brief one as prime minister here in Canada. Kamala was the best choice but US citizens voted for the criminal. Still shaking my head. What an enormous price you're all paying.
It’s going to get worse, at least here in the U.S.
ReplyDeleteDefinitely Jean. Yesterday's fiasco was appalling. But then every day has another shocker.
I do not understand why men fear women so much that they use any measure possible to keep women out of positions of power. I have noticed that in any group I have been in, if there is just one man in the group, he will be chosen as leader. Why? Conditioning? This world is so maddening, I sometimes feel relief that my time in it is much less than the time behind me. It's just exhausting continue to protest.
ReplyDeleteGS, yes, it is exhausting for women watching one male fiasco after another unfold. I wish countries would grow up and put women in charge. Are empathy and compassion such a reach?
Yes and it is more horrible as days go on here...
ReplyDeleteIt's frightening e, and sickening seeing those unfortunates rounded up and shipped to a country that will abuse them more.
I heard the other day from reputable source, that in the 80s through into the 2000s in the US, poorer black people indulged in cocaine in the form or crack, which I think has heroin added and if caught, were heavily penalised and gaoled.
ReplyDeleteNot so the white people who took cocaine, lined up by bank card and snorted, the penalty not much more than a hard slap on wrist.
I certainly believe the content of the distressing email you were sent.
And the incarceration of blacks in the US is one of the highest in the world compared with the white population and of course white collar crimes ( looking at you, Rump) run under the radar like you say, Andrew. The wealthy are above prosecution for the most heinous of crimes.
We seem to be in a three or four steps back phase.
ReplyDeleteDefinitely Joanne, it's getting more and more hopeless every day. And of course, up here in Canada we are threatened daily by The Unhinged One.
I have read of things happening there to people who aren't rich and paper white and worry so much, but nothing will change as long as that orange man is in charge.
ReplyDeleteHe is one of the most evil sub-humans that ever walked the earth. And we have to remember only 1/3 of Americans supported him. The majority of Americans are good people.
I wonder how much things might change if forward thinking women raised their sons (and daughters) to think and act differently to what is expected, to be respectful of all regardless of colour, religion or the size of their bank account. Perhaps the fathers would object too much at what they might see as "babying" their boys?
DeleteOf course there are parents who do this, the US has many fine people, yet still there are some who believe the man is always right no matter what.
DeleteMany times a week I mutter "old white man"
ReplyDeleteI know it offends old white men but as a group they are probably the most dangerous in the world.
The story in the email is distressing and seems to be repeated many times. Shame on the people responsible
The racism is through the roof now Kylie and in all our faces. And the adjectives describing people of colour are despicable. It all feels very hopeless but I'm glad to see Canada is now united with Australia for defense equipment. We need to break all ties with the US.
And I am one of those white males. I agree with your overall assessment although there are those of us who are not power hungry and manipulative, and cherish the other gender, with genuine affection and mutual respect. I hope that I am one of them.
ReplyDeleteOh David there are many men who are aware and awake and keep women on an equal footing. I am blessed with male close friends, some of whom have now passed unfortunately. The awareness of their own privilege is the road to equality for all. I had to fight non-stop in my career to overcome misogyny, etc. We have gone so far backwards in our progress in the last few years.
In connection with female nominees for President I now have been seeing the possibility of perhaps another in the 2028 election. How is this even possible! I am female (and old!) and it is so obvious this country is not ready for it (especially now). There's even talk of taking away the vote from women. So unbelievable.
DeleteJust when a woman is needed to lead us out of the darkness, Marge. This current regime is intolerable on so many levels. The latest failures just being part of the non-ending hell-hole. Crimes against humanity being the most major one.