Monday, October 08, 2012


One of my knitting hampers, I just love these colours.
Here on Canadian Thanksgiving I am thankful for my family. For my daughters, for my granddaughter. For my siblings who are all alive, though some of us are in slight disrepair. For extended family and bloodlines that span a goodly portion of our globe.

I am thankful for living in this wonderful land, my chosen land of many, many years. My gratitude knows no bounds for the life I've been given here amongst tolerance and equality far beyond the country of my birth.

I am thankful for a life that lets me breathe in the clean air from the ocean, that allows me my artistic expression - to write and create - and partake of the riches of land and sea.

I am thankful for dear friends who walk with me through thick and thin and celebrate my victories and hold my hand when I'm feeling defeated or lonely.

I am thankful for the comfort of blogland and my blessed blogfamily, where I get to throw out my thoughts and ideas (and dry run some stories and poems and photos) and sound off with occasional whingery and outrage.

So yes, today, along with all of the above - I celebrate our true north strong and free - thank you Canada.


  1. Thank you for being a blog friend.

    I love those colours in the wool hamper and needles with boots on, are pure class!

  2. You do have lots to be thankful about. I'm sure you've written about what brought you to Canada to begin with, but I'd like to be reminded. When you have a chance, tell it again.


  3. Well stated WWW!!! It makes me glad to know in spite of all that other Canadians feel as you do about our blessed land.

  4. Sounds like the thankfulness has banished the black dog, sent it back to its kennel?

    Somehow I wish there were a day to be thankful, an official one, I mean. It was the Day of German Unity last week - which is something I should be thankful for - but I missed that. It was also Harvest Festival, but that's a very religious festival, so I missed that too.

    I am glad you have reasons to lift you out of the dark moments.

  5. What a lovely post. And there's nothing like an 'attitude of gratitude' for encouraging more wonderful things in one's life! Every day I give thanks for my perfect health and start the day saying 'Today will be a good day' and it often is.
    The other trick is to believe we deserve our good fortune, as you undoubtedly do WWW. Never let any insecurity or bad day cause you to question that belief.

  6. Did your elated mood and your sentimental feelings get the better of you? You are usually more grounded than this. I hardly recignize the more cynical and critical WWW in here. God forgive you :o)

  7. I'm glad you've found your true homeland and that you're so happy there. And also that you have loyal friends who support you through the bad times as well as the good.

  8. Congratulations on your holiday and on a life well-lived!

  9. Gosh, you're a lovely bunch o' kindred spirits so y'are.

    And Hattie, please don't start shovelling the earth over me yet!! :)


  10. It is nice to have you as a blog and fb friend as well. I am grateful for that hand that reached out,

  11. Love your sharing
    and much of my Thankfulness
    would be the same as yours.
    What a wonderful
    land you live in.
    Have a wonderful day.
    My birthday is today
    and my children are scattered
    everywhere in the world.
    My youngest daughter and two
    little granddaughters are on the
    way to spend the day with me.
    Life is Good...

  12. hear, hear! and hear hear to the thanks to YOU for sharing your wisdom, your words, your work. happy thanksgiving.

  13. OWJ:

    Happy birthday to you, I am so glad your beloveds are coming to spend it with you!



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