Thursday, September 12, 2013

The Blues for the Greens - Part 3

An unusual shot of Silver Strand

So there we were on Sherkin Island on Friday night. We were staying at the hotel for the weekend. The pile of us. The whole big gang of us. It was like summer camp without counsellors. Breakfast had that air of an unceasing cast of characters brought forward for entertainment and stimulation. I was up early so as not to miss any of it.

Every day was cloudless. Every day we hit Silver Strand and banjed off. As only the Irish can when we get a spot of rain-free, cloudless days. There is a frantic air to the sandcastling, the swim-togging, the picnicking. We grab it while we can as we shrug off the mould and rust.

So there we were at dinner on the Friday night. And an old friend who lives on the island and his wife were invited to join us. To catch up. This old friend I've known since I was a single-digit-aged child. We go back a long way. I got to know and like his wife in later years when I rented a house on the island in the summer with Daughter and Grandgirl.

So the moment of comeuppance: they arrive and get settled. There's a big crowd of us around the table and Sinead (pseudonym), the wife looks across the table and greets me in delight and then says, looking at my sister (who is fourteen years younger than me):

"Oh, WWW, I'm so happy you brought your daughter with you!".

Karma, she be savage.

You can imagine how this took off for the rest of the weekend. Sinead was mortified in spite of my reassurance of absolutely no offence.

We couldn't stop laughing as I explained to the family I had a big, long-held secret to tell them. My sister called me "mammy" for the rest of the stay, requesting permission for various activities like swimming and eating and referred to her brothers as her new uncles, including my "twin."

Helpless laughter resonates a long time.

I think it's the most powerful healer of all.


  1. This is getting more and more intriguing. Do you look older or do your siblings younger than they really are?

  2. Oh! Sherkin in summer, real summer, what a wonderful experience. I am so jealous now. We stood there in Baltimore on Easter Sunday and the ferry wouldn't even go it was so cold and windy and wet. So back to the Algier's Inn it was.

  3. How extraordinary that one younger sibling is meant to be your daughter and presumably the other, your father!

    Or are one of those people where a bad or good night's sleep can make ten years difference either way! Lx

  4. Laughter
    not yet
    But can smile
    since fall on Sunday...
    Smiling and laughter
    is a great healer.

  5. When people saw the three of us sisters together, it was assumed that I was the eldest one, while I was the middle child. I do have to say that it bothered me a bit. I am that vain anyway.


  6. Sherkin in sunshine; You were in heaven!

    Vitamin D, loved ones and laughter, what more could a body ask for!

  7. Thank you for three lovely, descriptive posts, all oozing with the warmth of family life.

  8. I so enjoyed your three-part posts of "The Blues for the Greens." I saved them for a treat after I had done research for an article due tomorrow.

  9. Ramana:

    My sister looks like she should have a minder. Seriously. she's the mother of 4 adults and owns a special pass to the Fountain of Youth.


  10. Sabine:
    Oh poor you! Comforting yourselves in an awful ol' pub!!

  11. Laura:

    No my brother was taken as my twin, he is ten years younger than me, and my sister was taken as my daughter. She's 14 years younger than me.

    Looks have been kind to us sisters.


  12. OWJ:

    Oh my, I must race over to your blog, I hope all is well and I gave you a laugh!


  13. Irene:

    I think I would have been upset too if I were you. Nothing to do with vanity everything to do with the aging process. I'm glad I quit smoking so long ago, there is nothing more aging. So glad you quit too!!


  14. GM:

    My cup runneth over, that's for sure!


  15. Linda:

    There are 4 parts now! Thank you!



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