Does anyone else out there keep shaking their heads lately and wishing they could wake up to Kamala as president and an all is well feeling in the chest?
Me too. I find most don't even want to talk about all that is happening in this world right now and He still hasn't been sworn in. I see His idiot son grinning like a maniac as he lands in Greenland planting a virtual flag like Hillary on the peak of Everest. "This is ours now, Daddy, right?" And He grins in response and tells the press in a rambling incoherent mess of an "interview," "We'll no longer call it the Gulf of Mexico, it will now be the Gulf of America."
I only read Him now, I can't look at His great melon face or listen to that awful drawn out whiny voice.
I threw my X account to the curb and restored my sanity on BlueSky and yes, I have cut my news intake by at least 50%. If you need any good soothing series to stream, just let me know and I will share my fixes. For now, BlueSky is a decent place with kindred spirits. I need to know I am not alone in my horror and grief for the world that is now gone. He promises to bomb the tar out of the Middle East as soon as He ascends the throne. Along with controlling Canada and Panama and sending the military into Mexico.
And his tech-bro buddies will now suspend fact-checking on all the platforms.
We are on our own now.
But humour is saving a lot of us from despair. We need to laugh more. And like someone said recently, empathy is the missing factor in all these monsters. We all need more empathy for the pain and suffering so many are suffering.
Will goodness prevail in the long run?
I *live* in this worrisome country - USA. And, in a county that voted over 80% (not including me) for trump. It's hard to believe we were so lacking in thought. We'll have to wait and see what happens, but I think/hope a lot of this is bluster, wealthy men playing king of the hill.
ReplyDeleteI wish it were bluster Diane. He's looking for global domination along with his puppet masters who keep feeing his insatiable ego.
Of course goodness will prevail in the long run! God rules this world, no matter what it seems like. :)
ReplyDeleteIf I believed in an Invisible Cosmic Housekeeper, Delia, that would be a comfort, but I don't.
That is too bad. It is a comfort and helps keep many of us from running scared all the time. Not my preffered mode of operation.
DeleteRoisin in NY here. Same here, can’t stand to hear or look at him nor his disgusting family. Same for the bros. Will it end after four years?
ReplyDeleteI believe he will call some some kind of suspension to the Constitution (war, etc) and rule on appointing his moronic sons as place holders for the oligarchs if he dies.
It is insanity. That is all I can say. Greenland, Panama, Mexico, take your pick. And Canada? Dear god. I watch some of Trump's interviews/press conferences, and I honestly cannot believe people voted for this fool. But he has powerful people supporting him; will make lives miserable for so many here in the US. Just absolutely miserable. We are a laughingstock already to the world. I can only imagine what fresh hell awaits.
ReplyDeleteAnd what are your thoughts on Trudeau resigning? I admit I was disappointed. I try and follow your news but may not know the intricacies of why. (On a very surface level, though, just listen to Trudeau speak, and listen to what we have upcoming for 4 years.)
I offer you this samping of the presidential speech from yesterday without sane-washing.
Delete“these people are crazy. there’s something wrong with them. there’s something wrong with them. they also want to go back, and they have already started that, too, when you buy a faucet, no water comes out. because they want to preserve— even in areas that have so much water you don’t know what to do with it. it’s called rain. it comes down from, it comes down from heaven. and uh, they want to do no water comes out of the shower. it goes drip, drip, drip. so what happens, you’re in the shower ten times as long, you know. no water comes out of the faucet, you want to wash your hands, they want to go back to even stronger than what they have right now. I, as you know, I ended that policy. you can have all the water you want. makes no difference. comes— we’ve— especially in certain areas we have so much water we don’t know what to do with it.”
I mean why isn't he carted off, his car keys in the pockets of his care team? Does his family not care about him? (silly question, he doesn't give a shyte about them).
What?? His mind skitters about like a cockroach trying to escape.
DeleteRiver and the media sane washes it, terrified of him and his power. I sure wish Kamala had published it more, say on TikTok so those independents would not vote for him.
Saw clips of many of Biden speeches on Fox News (shudder?) so it was no surprise to many of us hopping between public TV to conservative. Not a surpise at all - we often asked ourselves, who is running the country?! And if he really is (was not) why are we acting surprised that Trump won? It was a no brainer... Kamala was not prepared and was clearly part of the cover up. B
DeleteHe's a shield or distraction so the billionaires can come steal us blind, financially and our rights. Our climate. Our democracy. He got Zuck dialed in and he's trashing social media. Z got his best bud WWE on the Meta board and that's just one of so many ways they are working under cover. I'm now not opening any ads, reel, links on FB or IG unless a friend. Squeeze the sponsors. Now no fact chking, gonna be all lies and we know who buys into that. The extremists! Elon in Europe spreading foulness, Trump Jr. In Greenland. Mexico president, shes not taking their crap! We need more like her. Oh MiddleEast just dropped like 20 billionaire in America for some kind of centers. This is not going to be fun and not seeing who will stop them! 😱😢
ReplyDeleteI agree CJ. We can't even list out the egregiousness and that's only what we know. The background skulduggery must be breathtaking. I read the Guardian and Irish Times and listen to BBC and some lovely home stations here. And the US publications that haven't succumbed to the Orange. Atlantic is a fave abd a few of the outliers. NYT and WAPO are toast. MNT is a new fave with more views now than CNN and MSNBC
I hear you. I watch (the little that I can endure) in pain and horror and wonder just what is next. And I assuredly don't want to know.
ReplyDeleteI hear you EC, not knowing may be the way for all of us sentients to go.
I don’t think goodness will prevail, if ever, for a very long time. Long after all of us her are gone. And climate change will probably put a stop to any reverse in direction to where we are now anyway. Remember all good things must come to an end. We have come upon the Great Filter (goggle it) and we probably won’t make it through. Mary
ReplyDeleteDaughter believes the same. She says now is the confluence time when all systems we took for granted fail us, not least of which are catastrophic climate change and more wars than we have ever seen. No guardrails on The Toddler and his manipulators.
It is unfortunate that our judges don't have the balls to make the various charges stick...or to impose realistic sentences on the Great orange one. My hope is that we can survive the next two years, because surely the midterm elections will turn the tide blue in Congress. Right? Or am I whistling in the wind?
ReplyDeleteGS He may cancel all elections. I am still hoping for a last Hail Mary from Biden listing the intents of the new admin and calling it all out for the evil it is. But I am sure the US is also afraid of an internal war which might be a deterrant.
Watching, listening and reading news is ingrained into me and I can't just turn off. I really wish I didn't care.
ReplyDeleteIt's hard not to Andrew but I've halved my consumption to watch Sillies. Dawn there in Oz and out On the Edge here we are relatively safe (for now) but it's cold comfort.
C Span ran the Carter/Ford debate from the 70s today. I watched in wonder, with both men speaking knowledgeably and lucidly. I was wishing today's 20 year olds would watch it to see how the world once was and could be again.
The decency and politeness of those debates are long gone Nina. And may never return. Merrick Garland should roast in hell.
Good question...Short reply...Nope!
ReplyDeleteI think we're all feeling the same. How on earth does decency return? Even common kindness?
I too can't stand to see his face or hear his voice, but I think his outlandishness about Greenland and Panama, etc. is encouraging. A lot of people voted for him because of inflation/affordability and immigration. The further he veers from those issues the better chance some of the Republicans in Congress will be willing to say no to some of his proposals. They are threatened with their opponents being given large sums in their next election, but if their constituents want something different from what Trump proposes, there may be some hope there even before the midterms. We will have to see. Yes, I am scared, but I've always been a Tragic Optimist (Viktor Frankl) and Stoic (Marcus Aurelius) and mainly have been surprised how lucky I've been so far (I'm 85 and my husband is 90 next month).
ReplyDeleteAbout news sources. I like The Atlantic, The Economist, some stories from the New Yorker, the Guardian, some articles from the Wall Street Journal (not the editorials or some of the opinion pieces) and some articles from the Asia Times. I still subscribe to the NYT and the Washington Post, but the Post only because I like Carolyn Hax's column. I also get the Boston Globe and the Mercury News (in the San Francisco Bay Area) and I occasionally read articles from the Los Angeles Times. I've always been interested in history so try to keep the big picture in mind.
Thank you for writing about this subject! I would like to know what you are streaming. Mostly I had been watching Netflix programs with Spanish subtitles, but now I'm looking at Great Courses Plus again. I just finished a series on JFK and am now watching the one about Churchill.
Take care!
Thank you for your stellar input Jean - how much reading you do! Meidas Touch is a great and truthful news platform now covering Canada as well with a huge number of viewers looking for sanity. Also The Bulwark which calls out all the Shyte. Former GOPs. I love Acorn, Gem, Netflix, Britbox. I abandoned Amazon a while back as they suck your monthly money and then charge you for movies. Plus I hate Bezos. I always loved The New Yorker and subscribed for years but can't afford the time anymore. The Atlantic is also brilliant and of course PBS and Washington Week. Also selected podcasts. Heather Cox Richardson, David Frum.
You missed he would end the Ukraine war before he was sworn in. I read all this current noise to to distract from what will really happen.
ReplyDeletePlus he would solve Israel/Gaza in a day. Busy Toddler. The world laughs. Our pols are having a field day today mocking him.
DeleteMakes me nervous with those chubby tiny fingers on those buttons.
Thank goodness I am not the only one who thinks his voice is whiny. I am still hoping he will drop dead suddenly, but now I am adding all his minions to that list. What does he need those countries for? Is America not big enough for him? I remember asking the same about Ukraine, is Russia not big enough for Putin?
ReplyDeleteI barely read anything about him now, if his picture is on any page of my newspaper I turn the page quickly.
With gazillionaire,s money is never satisfying enough, they need more control as they are insatiable in their needs to fill the enormous holes in their guts. Incapable of love or human connection River, everything in their lives is purely transactional. You will find they have no pets or friends.
I can hardly believe that quote!
ReplyDeleteI don't believe for a second that his support will be reduced as his ideas get more crazy. The people who have believed him up to now are hardly going to change their minds now, they'll just get crazier with him.
That's how you get a holocaust.
I do believe good prevails but I also believe it can take a very long time
His sycophants are just using him for their own ends. His cult believes he will lower the price of eggs (ha!). He has havoc on his mind, like always (see his comments on the Armageddon of California) and loves creating it.
And now over a quarter of the state that is the 4th largest economy in the world is burning. This does not bode well for the state nor the country. Insurance companies will not just leave California but elsewhere, too.
ReplyDeleteAnd your denier in chief will be running the country promoting fracking and drilling everywhere. Definitely a confluence to extinction of our species. We are in dark times Delaine.
I think the whole world is waking up and shaking their heads at this crazy situation on our planet today. That a known and convicted criminal, and likely narcissistic sociopath, could become the most powerful man on earth is just beyond imagining. If anything proves the corrupting power of wealth, it is this. Without the dark forces of corporate America it could never have happened. We learn today that in 2024 global temperatures reached 1.6C, a whole degree above the 1.5C limit imposed internationally at the Paris Afreement in 2015 - ten years ago, since when nothing has been done to curb the fossil fuel criminals responsible.
ReplyDeletePolitical contributions without a ceiling made all this possible along with the coward (compromised up to his teeth I'd say) Merrick Garland dithering and deferring. And yes, Biden too for not doing something executive on his Day One in office. Letting the Insurrectionist in Chief loose and not jailed as a clear and present danger to the country. It's enraging , RJ, and the world is in turmoil and will stay that way as he is the master of chaos while looting the treasury and staying out of jail. It's incomprehensible to see a country implode.