Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Mixed Feelings

I was sorting out the summer wardrobe which resides in a chest on my large landing. Reminiscing, as I do, over happy events where I inhabited these clothes.

And then the moment of horror and joy, when I realize that none of it fits me. I've been a long proponent of only having in my life - in racks and closets and drawers - only the clothes and underwear that fit me. Everything else, no matter the price or style or memory, gets tossed. I do not want to evaluate myself by a size number or a perceived dietetic or physicality failure. And my size has fluctuated wildly over the years.

Even my designer outfit, which I wore to my SeanchaĆ­ debut is now kaput, a good friend remarked: my gawd when did you start wearing a tent? I hadn't noticed, being swept up, as I was, by my patron's generosity. So yes, two of us could have resided quite happily in the yurt of my top. See above. Yes, a picture of the debut as promised with, through the kindness and skill of my friend Ramana, my anonymity preserved.

So today, as I was sorting through these linens and cottons and silks (Oh joy, summer is sorta here in Newfoundland) only a few of the items fitted. One I had trouble releasing, a favourite linen beige pants, which I upheld with a belt but when I looked in the mirror a drindl skirt effect was evident. Pleats and bunches surrounded my waist, lapping over the belt, drooping in folds, like a toddler's wet nappy, across my smallish arse. Toss.

I packed a huge bag up for charity, glad that someone could now avail of these somewhat lovely clothes. These cottony bits and pieces that no longer belong in my life.

I am simplifying and minimizing.

For after all, how much clothes do I really need?


  1. I did a good clean-out of my closet as well. My problem was NOT that my clothes were too large. My problem is that my body has drooped, dropped, sagged, and changed.

    My closet is now tidy.

  2. Hi Susan:

    Well I wasn't going to mention the rest of it....lol.

    I am amazed at what I threw out and I haven't even started on the winter stuff yet...


  3. I too have been clearing out over the last year. Not because I had really changed shape, but because the life was worn out of so many items bought back in the late 1990s. I prefer classical mix and match items that way fewer items make for more outfits.

    I have plenty of clothes for summer if it ever reaches me, no wonder they last so long.

  4. Yes those good old standbys. Coincidentally today my patron had sent me another package of linens that will fit, quiet beautifully. Fall in Ireland. She fluctuates as I do. We are too much of the good grubbers....

  5. I very happily got rid of all the clothes that fit like a tent around me and now only have stuff that fits me like a glove. This does force me to stay skinny, because I don't have the money to go out and get bigger clothes. At least I don't have to jam pack everything into my closet now and have ample space to see what I am in possession of.

  6. As you know, I did this recently as wel. I have three large backs ready to be hauled to Goodwill this weekend.

    But no fair, I can't even really see that photo!

  7. That’s a photo of a row of windows with a vague shape in front of it. That’s cheating!

    I have gradually gained weight over the years, until I am now about 5kg more than I would like. For health' sake, it should come off but an old body finds it hard to shed.

    So I’ve decided not to worry too much.

    I have big closets, I tend to hoard clothes for years, but, because of the many bloggers who seem to bag the previous year’s wardrobe up I have at least started to pass some stuff on to a friend. Some of my clothes not only don’t fit but are also far too young for me; and too posh, now that I spend my days walking in and on mud.

  8. Bravo! Incidentally, it was a pleasure to be of some assistance. No thank you needed at all.

  9. You call that posting a picture of yourself? Cheater! My daughter visited from California last week and steamrolled her way into my closet and refused to leave until I got rid of some ancient artifacts! Now I go there and can actually see what is available to wear! My lament is still "I don't have a stitch to wear!" But now I can see what's available to go with what!
    And now that I've started, more heads will roll!

  10. Irene:
    I too enjoy the freedom of hangers sliding smoothly along so I can see everything hanging up. And everything fits. Nothing like it for stress and shame-free living.

  11. SAW:
    Blame Ramana on the photo. None of us knew how to pixellate a face!

    I dropped a huge bag of clothes off to charity yesterday. Boy did that feel sooooo good!


  12. Friko:

    As I said earlier, blame Ramana for the photo, LOL.

    I can't see the point anymore of holding on to stuff. If I haven't worn it in the past year out the door it goes whether it fits of not.


  13. Ramana:
    As you can see, some are complaining but I do thank you for the help. I hate breaking my word to my loyal readers!!

  14. Molly:

    I think it one of the most important tasks we do - to manage our own wardrobes and know what fits. My only indulgence now is scarves. I love scarves, but I use them in between wearing as decor in a hall. Dual purpose.

    Other than that my wardrobe is very simple and packable without wrinkles and mix-and-matchable.


  15. Living a totally different lifestyle at this time is freedom.
    Most that is in the closet are garden and sport clothes. While looking in my closet last year my yountest granddaughter remarked "grandma where are your dresses?"
    One who dressed in the latest of style for years now has no dresses in her closet.

  16. I think I kept one dress that's been kicking around for years. But it is due to leave my life as I haven't had occasion to wear it in over a year. And if I don't wear something for a year out it goes.

    Pockets are also important. Love my pockies.



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