Thursday, September 17, 2015


*Paying guests.

An advantage of having PGs is that it forces me to be tidy. And clean. And smiley. And to interact nicely with strangers.

Another is I get to meet people from a specific walk of life. These people are the non-Holiday Inn types who thrive on different types of vacations, take the road less used and are usually far more travelled, globally, than the norm. Interesting in other words. No CBs evah.

The couple with me at the moment are a case in point. They are spending a month in Newfoundland, two nights with me, and are seeing all the sights and soaking up the experience by using AirBnB when they can, getting to meet the locals on a one to one basis. Of course I throw everyone for a loop when I tell them I am Irish hatched, matched and dispatched to Canada. But when they recover they're interested in my journey from there to here.

I truly find life is all about stories. Theirs and mine. I soak them up. Current female PG is a choir master/music teacher. I asked about her unusual name and she tells me a story of her mother escaping from Poland post war. He is more reticent, an IT man, eagerly asking me if I had computers to sort. Where are these guys when you really need them, I think. But, knowing myself so well, I will get to the bottom of his life too.


  1. They sound lovely and you sound happy...I would love to read your story one day.

    1. Interesting life I suppose E, I was thinking to myself this morning not much has changed in my attempts to make ends meet I had to take boarders in when in my thirties Lol.

  2. This is good for you...
    In the past often thought of doing something like this
    as it is so peaceful here. Would have been perfect at the old farmhouse I lived in 15 years ago. Guess it would have to be someone
    that needed a rest home :) Nothing here to do
    except sit, rest and observe simple nature.
    But the additional cooking and cleaning part
    not able to do at this time.

    1. I cook breakfast only OWJ - so not bad as they're all touring around and leave by about 9.30 then back late at night after a full day away from here.

      Staying on top of the housekeeping and other responsibilities I have means it gets quite busy though but I don't really have a choice as I need the extra little bit of income to survive :)


  3. I bet paying guests always have interesting stories to tell if you get them chatting. And it's good that they don't stick to the usual well-trodden tourist schedule but try to meet the locals and get the real flavour of the place.

  4. Immensely entertaining Nick. This current couple want to book in an extra night, they are so enthusiastic about my old home (and my breakfasts maybe :))

  5. I stayed at one airbnb in Calif. two years ago, with a very nice woman and her son. I've got another scheduled for Florida this coming January. Hope it's as good and enriching a visit. I look forward to reading about your experiences.Maybe one of these days I'll get to Newfoundland!

    1. It would be lovely to meet in the flesh so to speak Tom. Newfoundland I beautiful, so much natural beauty and seascapes - you'd be very welcome indeed :)


  6. All that and getting paid for it.
    Nice work if you can get it.

  7. Having been a paying guest as a bachelor and also as paying guests after marriage on one occasion, I can vouch for one fact. If one can afford it, one should live permanently as a paying guest. It of course matters that the host is kind and generous but by and large they seem to be so!

    1. Ramana:
      I am more than pleased to report that my PGs reviews of me are stellar. I think you have to love people to be in this biz!

  8. I've stayed at B&B's, which I guess is a paying guest situation? I like that pretty well, but I also like NOT having to listen to stories. Maybe if I didn't do that all day long for a living, I'd feel differently about it.

    1. SAW: I think listening to the troubles of people would be energy zapping but the people staying with me are adventurous and fairly freewheeling and so interested in others. AirBnB wouldn't be for everybody and is different from a B&B.


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