Sunday, January 14, 2024

A Bit of an Oul Rant here

What's happening in that big wild country to the south of us here in Canada?

We can't avoid the US news here as we are forever linked via trade and economies, etc. Wags have compared The US and Canada relationship as the elephant and the mouse in bed together and if the elephant rolls over.......

2023 - a partial summary of barbaric events.

  • I won't even speak of the criminal running for office with the support of his party. If he's elected president it will be a final full stop on their downward slide into autocracy and fascism.
  • Termination of Roe v Wade. Women's reproductive rights go the way of The Handmaid's Tale.
  • A 12 year old 7th grader forced to give birth in Mississippi. A child-victim of rape. 
  • The governor of Texas telling the world he would shoot emigrants and the only thing stopping him is Biden would charge him with murder.
  • Mass shootings in the gun slinging USA 2023 and school shootings increased.
  • Ignoring the ongoing slaughter and genocide (and potential extermination) of Palestinian civilians - women, children and babies amongst them. The US has used its veto power at least 34 times to block UN Security Council resolutions that were critical of Israel. ISRAEL-PALESTINIANS/UN. Link
Gun violence by country 2021. Note 2023 for the US is much worse.

It might surprise readers to know that the land mass of Canada is greater than the US



  1. I agree with all you have said here. Except that Israel is fighting for its life against people who say clearly, they want to kill every Jew in the world. Who committed atrocities against civilians and then retreated to hide behind civilians. Very nice to meet you! There are many more sane people in the USA, the criminal is facing multiple charges, and I dare to hope for a better future. Blessings my friend. Aloha from Honolulu

    1. I believe we can all hold two thoughts at the same time, Cloudia. Of course the attack by Hamas on Israeli citizens was appalling but the revenge of the massacres on the innocents in return is just about unbearable. The little white body bags every single day, the complete destruction of a tiny sliver of land.

  2. Rant away. From this side of the world I watch in horror. The criminal encourages other criminals. And emboldens others.

    1. It looks like the entire party is riddled with criminals, all lying and revising history to suit a fascist dictator in the making. I do wonder, as an aside, if he's got the dirty photos on all of them. Surely they all can't be all as brainless as they present themselves?

  3. Most of us who live here in the US wonder too, and are sickened. What most turns my stomach when politicians speak is when they claim to know the will of "the people", when they have absolutely no idea of what we want. I try to just live my life as best I can, vote, and pray.

    1. I am appalled too GS at my friends who live down south of us and have to endure this ongoing onslaught of even human compassion. I read today of the patrols in Texas allowing an emigrant mother and her two children to drown and blocking the federal forces from assisting her. What the almighty hell? It must be horrifying for you and the many good citizens of the U.S. Do get out and vote these thugs away.

  4. I live in a deep red county in a blue state. I vote but there's not much else I feel I can do. You have no idea how much it pains those of us with a brain to live in what seems an ongoing nightmare. Our second amendment rights are killing us as is the conspiracy minded "news" outlet that spawned orange man and his supporters. I try to be cautiously optimistic about our future, but I freely admit anxiety eats me alive some days. I'm truly ashamed of what we've become.

    1. I agree Bobi, the media has a lot to do with the exaltation of such a man and the fact that Hillary was didn't get 20% of the coverage afforded him in 2016. He should never have gotten within smelling distance of the White House. Yes, voting will and must get this traitor banned and jailed.

  5. The lies and 'different' ways of telling the truth is astounding. I know the majority of the people are decent, yet how has this happened! The graph is not surprising but quite interesting to see where other countries sit. It doesn't make gun murder right, but most of ours is criminals killing criminals, perhaps the same for your country. I wonder why Brazil is not on the graph.

    1. Yes, Canada as well Andrew - mainly drug busts and criminals with alas, femicides as well.
      Most Usians are decent citizens and horrified as to what is going down, particularly for women when this monster brags on the airwaves how he killed Roe v Wade. They need to take a long hard look at the flaws in their governmental and court appointments and toss that obsolete electoral college.

  6. Let me know when Canada will open its doors for people with disabilities who are 65. If so, I would gladly move. Unfortunately that won't happen.

    1. I am really hoping, e, that Biden gets a second term and this nightmare can be put to rest. And honestly, I wish the monster was not getting all this airtime.

  7. There is much to be appalled about here. Our best hope is the ballot. Vote blue.

    1. Definitely Joanne, blue is the way to go and many Republicans are voting Biden which is heartening. Cheers to your heroes also, Cheney, Kinzinger and Hutchinson et al. How incredibly brave they are and were.

  8. The Orange Jesus as some are calling him should be prevented from running. Anyone with such serious charges should be suspended by law. And the fact that if he's voted in, he can wipe his slate clean is another mind boggler.
    The history of Israel - a state created by the UK among others from the lands of Palestine - should be studied to gain an insight into the whole never-ending conflict. Neither side will rest until they annihilate the other. And we should be mindful it is Hamas on one side, and an extreme right winger - who is close to being turfed from office - on the other side.

  9. Hiding under a different mask we have the criminal Trudeau here, buying the NDP by having a State funeral for Ed Broadbent. Who? Doesn't matter. We'll get the bill soon then we'll understand. Emma

    1. Then again we have Poliviere in the wings ready to remove women's rights and Christianize us all playing from the Trumpian hymn book.

    2. Pierre Polievre will be a right-wing disaster for Canada, but I fear we are going to be saddled with him. The "anybody but Trudeau" sentiment has become far too strong and once again we will be voting against someone rather than for someone. The Liberal Party is far from perfect, far from ideal in fact, but it is still preferable to right-wing extremism

    3. Not one political party is perfect David and the Torys would be a catastrophic disaster. I see a coalition of Libs and NDPs might work as they are closely aligned in policy on many issues. But the blindness of many of my friends in their absolute hatred of Trudeau (much like the hatred of Biden in the south) boggles the mind. He has flaws and yes, arrogance but the alternative would be a nightmare.

  10. Archaic findings prove Israel was there 6,000 yrs ago. Whatever else the UK did wrong in WW 1 &2, they took Isreli land and gave it to "Palestine". Ema


  12. When will it all end?
    There seems to be a complete failure of humanity

    1. Totally Kylie, the whole middle East is a complete and absolute disaster zone at the moment with millions of children starving and nearly dead. Many I know feel we are on the verge of WW3.
      Add climate change to that and The Clown in the US in charge of it all and it will be catastrophic.

  13. Not a rant, WWW, but an accurate assessment of the state of things today. I doubt anyone can avoid the news from the United States. It's plastered over news media sites all over the world. I firmly believe the climate emergency has more to do with the situation than most accept. The powers that be are aware of the impending threat and are using it to strengthen their positions ready for the collapse of civilisations. Like hyenas fighting over a carcass the world's authoritarians will battle it out for supremacy. With OPEC now firmly in charge of the COP pantomimes there is little hope for the majority of the human race. The few who do survive may be the unfortunate ones.

    1. I so agree RJA (and how lovely it is to hear your insightful thoughts on all of this again!)
      I am so alarmed at the death spiral of our planet and how blind most are to the consequences. Then again, how little us ants can do to change the course of our own destruction and annihilation.
      And of course we may not live long enough to see the worst of it.
      But I grieve. And am enraged at how it has all turned out in the absence of decency and kindness and the proliferation of uncontrolled greed.

  14. Yes the US is keeping us all wondering what will happen next. I thought we had some wild and odd politicians but Trump out trumps them all!

    1. He's not even a politician Chris, but a wannabe dictator enriching himself and his friends at the expense of the peasants and bragging about ending women's rights. Billions of dollars came his way when he was president and we only see the tip of the $$$ iceberg.
      It's an awful thing to say but the man looks like he's on his last legs, sniffing his Adderall and sweating profusely. He may not survive all that's hitting him.

  15. What can I say? The USA continues to worship guns despite the endless gun carnage. It doesn't look like that's ever going to change. And the serious possibility that Trump will be re-elected president and further turn back the clock is terrifying.

    1. I believe most of the world is appalled at the carnage in the US and particularly how little kids are slaughtered in schools. And nothing done about their worship of guns. I'm sure their idolized "founding fathers" never envisioned machine guns and "concealed carry" and a government owned by the NRA.


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