Wednesday, February 03, 2010


Yes, this is a season, albeit short, here in Newfoundland.

It starts on February 2nd, which is Candlemas Day – which is celebrated here with a:
“CANDLEMAS CAKE - Type of sweetened bread baked for a card and rum party, according to the Dictionary of Newfoundland English.”

“Candlesnap?” I asked, delighted, as usual, with finding both a new word to add to my own personal lexicon and to show off at the first opportunity.

“Well actually,” said Joyce,”It’s Candlemas Snap. Weather that starts on Candlemas Day. And it doesn’t change for the whole two weeks.”

So now we’re in Candlesnap. And the weather hasn’t changed in 3 days. It would freeze the proverbial brass naughty bits off a monkey.

It’s a rare thing for me - long john weather. I feel like Michelin Man as I brave the elements with the Wonder Dog. There are Bella Carters spreading in all directions on the bay. The dog, thrilled at this new pavement formation, landed with exuberance on them today and her look of shock as her paws went everywhere made me double up laughing. I was bemoaning the fact I didn’t have a camera with me. Tomorrow I hope to get some shots of this extraordinary sight.

And I’ll monitor the weather with interest this season of Candlesnap.

It is currently -11C.


  1. Here's very very naughty Sean.
    Maybe a relief: It's also the birthday of James Joyce. :)
    Beautiful photo, www.

  2. LOL! Well now, we were joining in the Candlemas celebrations without realising it these past few days, WWW. We had the candles, the alcohol (but not rum) and the cards.

    Look forward to your pics of Ansa and the Bella Carters

  3. Sean:
    We'll leave Candlemas out of it, thank you very much and stick with Candlesnap. ;^)
    Happy birthday all the Joyceans out there. Re-Joyce as they say!

  4. T:
    But what about the cake? ;^)
    Now you and Himself know what to call the spell you just went through.
    Thank heavens it didn't last 2 weeks!!
    We would all jones without the interwebz.

  5. Every locality has its particular festivals, they're very intriguing. They always seem to act as a good excuse for some special delicacy like sweetened bread or Christmas cake or pumpkin pie. I'm all for that.

  6. Happy Candlesnap, WWW! It sounds as though you are having a very cold snap there. Keep those layers on and bring your insulation around with you.

  7. I think that the cold snap we had here last week is now on your shore. Crunchy snow underfoot, breath forming crystals ,bright sun and beautiful clear blue skys....Love it !!

  8. Nick:
    How true! it adds to the folklore and the cultural differences of areas.

  9. If I had anymore insulation, Stan, I would have to be rolled along!
    Thanks for the good wishes!

  10. GFB:
    Ah, but you didn't know what to call it then, so now you do - a touch of pre-Candlesnap in the air, you can say next time...;^)

  11. What a delicious picture! Well chosen WWW.

  12. Ethereal and musical is Candlesnap and I love the photo too! Here I noticed a real stretch in the day today. Wonderful!

  13. @Laura:
    And Candlesnap has let me down badly, the weather has been all over the place!
    Well said, ethereal and musical. Yes me too, I'm revelling in the longer days!


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