America spends 42 cents out of every tax dollar on its military.
So that they will be ‘safe’.
From the boogy man terrorist who will get them here if they don’t get him there.
One quarter of that 42 cents would give every US citizen the best of health care with money left over for dental.
There are 730 US military installations around the world. 730.
Barack Obama, the Anointed Man of Change, has promised to “build a 21st-century military . . . to stay on the offensive everywhere”. That should bring the spending to 50 cents or more out of every tax dollar. Change indeed.
A much suppressed cancer epidemic is now severely impacting the citizens of the Middle East region caused by the US and British WMDs releasing depleted uranium. That along with the five million orphaned children, the countless very dead collateral damaged bodies, untold injured, mindless destruction of an ancient civilization, et al, brings a sparkling new definition to the word “freedom”.
US soldiers previously based in Iraq are now being brought home, in battalions, to police and brutalize the real enemy, the disenfranchised, those outspoken protesters and the brand new homeless, its own citizens.
And to assist them, civilian labour camps will be under their jurisdiction. Keeping those same pesky, loud-mouthed citizens right where they belong. In the new gulags.
With the added bailouts of Wall Street by the unbounded charity of its citizens, the deficit of the US at the end of 2008 is forecasted at ONE TRILLION DOLLARS. Can anyone count that high? Is this officially bankruptcy?
I see more and more of those utterly godless American liberal bloggers (who me?) are making all sorts of noise about emigrating to Canada in November (they see that the writing’s clearly on that pinko wall). We would love to have them, but here we do have immigration laws too and the waiting list is extremely long and well, you should get on the list - like now.
And to bring you hopefuls up to date: here in the cold white north, we are facing our own mini-corpo-indu-militarist who yearns for a majority government in October. Which scares a lot of us. There’s something quite Rovian about our Prime Minister Harper who has made enormous cutbacks on culture and arts funding and has set his cold, beady eyes on our far too generous health care system amongst other socialist perks.
But then again, none of us has any way of knowing what the October Surprise, long predicted by me and others, will bring to us gentlefolk. Stay tuned.
Very ironic that so much of that military spending is aimed at defending and extending democracy - the same 'democracy' that means American citizens have virtually no say in the massive injection of public funds to pay for private companies' bad debts.
ReplyDeleteThe greatest transfer of wealth in history, Nick. All to fuel the corporatocracies controlled by The Masters, Cheney et al. And all under the label of 'freedom' and 'democracy'. It is unbelievable.
I have been wondering how the country with the biggest national debt in the world is able to bail out these finance companies taht are going bust. Don't get it at all...
ReplyDeleteConor: it will be funded by social security reserves and pension funds.
ReplyDeleteThere will be nothing left in the coffers and massive debts of over a trillion dollars. China is holding the biggest bag, I believe.
Funny how a government always has money for military hardware/the odd war no matter how much poverty is pled re running the actual country/looking after its own citizens.
ReplyDeleteTo stoke the furnaces of the giant military industrial complex, Laura.
ReplyDeleteSocialism is looking real good.....
October surprise? Are we seeing the beginnings? John McCain is all for postponing the debates because of the economic crisis. How long before he suggests postponing the election?
ReplyDeleteI said the same myself, RJ.
ReplyDeleteI reckon this looks planned and timed by the Republicans for their own benefit.
WWW - Scary stuff, but if only Obama can win (and I never thought I'd ever type that) there's a slim chance things will improve, albeit slowly.
I don't much fancy high-tailin' it out of the USA just as I've become a citizen, but if needs must I have a US passport and a UK one, so could leave for England and then return later (himself in tow) if things were to get really rough. I'd much rather stay
and help to fix it though - in any tiny way that's available to me.
ReplyDeleteCould be. We had all predicted that Dimmer would find an excuse (or pardon me, his handlers would) to extend his term, but I really believe this whole collapse has happened sooner than intended.
ReplyDeleteThere is now talk in some quarters of HRC being introduced as his new Veep once Biden steps down (ostensibly for health reasons).
This whole meltdown looks awfully serious. McCain calling off the debate has a high smell to it, though. I doubt if he could spell economy.