Some creative gifts are inherited. This has never more evidenced than by Sarah Palin, interior decorator extraordinaire, who speaks to us from her living room:

While being watched in their living room by her parents:

I can't imagine what being surrounded by this kind of energy does to one's spirit.
I wonder what feng shui has to say about dead-animal decor.
ReplyDeleteWhat really depresses me is the thousands of women out there who're only interested in getting Sarah Palin shoes and Sarah Palin glasses. Politics? What are they exactly?
ReplyDeleteNot much, Rhea, I would hazard!
ReplyDeleteAt first I thought these pics were a joke, but no such luck!
Try millions Nick, it gets more depressing by the minute.
ReplyDeleteWe are doomed, I tell ya!
Dear WWW, I heard this one man who manufactured Bin Laden dolls and sold millions also manufactured Palin dolls and they are going at a fast rate, but that's only some of the women in the States, surely! ? The rest of the world is watching in wonder and a bit of a fright this freak show. Crossed fingers for Obama, because if the McCain-Palin duo win this race the whole world is in for a whole lot of trouble. Ignorance is so dangerous. :O
ReplyDeleteAlso, dear Gaye, having this kind of approach to animals bodes poorly for us humans.
ReplyDeleteAlso: imagine pinning your dead cat or dog to a wall????
There's no difference in my mind.
It's one thing to pin your dead cat or dog to a wall, it's another to kill a cat or a dog TO pin to a wall... There is, even if slight, a difference and I think that makes her scary... If she just had her beloved pet cat who died - natural causes not her doing - few years ago, she got it stuffed and put it on the coffee table, I'd call that weird. This, I don't have adjectives for.
ReplyDeletePalin and wolves and bears...Oh my!
ReplyDeleteDid I ever liken this woman to Margaret Thatcher? I'm sorry that I insulted Mrs Thatcher, who has more decency and talent in her little finger than this woman has in her entire body.
My worst nightmare just got worse.
Try predatory (she shoots animals from helicopters). A hunter of her calibre usually shows no distinction on any kind of animals, thus her stance on global warming and the polar bear extinction.
ReplyDeleteBush the Dimmer would blow up frogs.
I am a firm believer in what is done by children to helpless animals is carried through to adulthood and inflicted on humans (Abu Ghraib, Gitmo, and all the ones we don't know about. Yet.)
She seriously makes me ill.
ReplyDeleteWhat is truly frightening is all those hunter types in the red states who think she rocks and will vote for McSame as a result.
the polls really jumped.
Hello, popped over via Hullaballoo's blog.
ReplyDeleteAs a 'mercan I can say I panicked when they announced her nomination and people took it seriously. I'm insulted by the women who are voting for her just because she's a woman, or because they like that she's "like them".
I also can't understand why the McCain/Palin camp keeps lying about her record, even when it's well-documented and reputable papers keep refuting it. Apparently facts are no longer important. *sigh*
Anyway, I like your blog.
this isn't a joke? these aren't photoshopped in there?
ReplyDeletethis seems like taking the whole northwoodsy idea to quite the ridiculous extreme.
Welcome Angie:
ReplyDeleteAND she is one of the 'boys' which is appealing to a lot of the red states.
ReplyDeleteFor even worse photos go to:
I was particularly disturbed by the wolves. Sickening.
OMFG x OMFG + infinity + black hole!
ReplyDeleteI went to that website I can't believe what she condones and supports. I am now a lot more scared... :((
This is a woman? This is a human being? I think not. I will try and put their banner on my blog as soon as I find out how.
ReplyDeleteThis is why she is so 'revered' - because of the hate doctrine she espouses - gays, everything but Christian, immigrants, animals, evolution, women's reproductive rights, etc. etc. ad nauseum.
she appeals to the worst nature in her fanbase.
Crushes it?
ReplyDeleteHow gross is this decor?
Actually, Laura:
ReplyDeleteI'm grateful I've never seen anything quite this awful before. I've seen stuffed things, and once a zebra skin on a floor, but this is truly beyond the pale.
You know, all those Americans can make the choice, they are perfectly free in this. Let's see what happens. Are they sensible or are they gullible?