Has Blogger sorted us out? I must apologise to many, many commenters. Your comments were caught in that dismal dark hell of a spam folder that I rarely check but will do so more frequently. The platform has been iffy lately and I know Nick and Ramana have problems and now I'm seeing my own. Anyway, I see their heads are up today so maybe Blogger has fixed it. Vast apologies to Secret Agent Woman whose every comment for the past year has wound its way into that hell.
Reflection on Aging
We do not grow large as we age
We shrink in all things.
Our demands are the smallest of birds
Timid and shy, flying away
To invisible trees.
Our desires are few and private
Lying unfulfilled on bare ground.
Our opinions lurk, hesitantly fearful of
The prey of younger, sharper minds.
Our circles wink smaller in the fading light.
Shrinking until we are the only holder
Of youthful, joyful memories of beloveds
Long gone.
Hunching down to count pills, count money, count meals, count hours, count bills paid and unpaid.
Fearful of that nameless elder unhome of unassistance, unmeals and unindependence lurking out there somewhere
Ready to grab us by the throat if we slip and fall
Into helplessness.
Wisewebwoman -April 2022.