Saturday, March 07, 2015

Light, Tunnel

There comes a day when one wakes up and bingo, no pain in the back. Today was such a day for me.

Interestingly enough, nearly 3 weeks later, the whole back of my hand is a rancid shading of purple and yellow from where the IV was inserted.

And yesterday, I catch these two brothers I know sneaking in their truck and trailer down my driveway and I wave at them to stop and sheepishly they admit they'd filled the rest of my barn with a truckload of wood and wanted it to be a surprise as I'd "been kind" to them last year. And when I questioned that, they said "think about it". I've never been one to keep a ledger. although I know of a few that do. Imagine that if you will. Tallying up your own favours and good deeds like money in the bank.

One of the loveliest letters I ever received was from my grandmother about a year after my mother died. In the letter she listed all the ways and kindnesses and gifts I'd given my mother in the last few years of her life. And I didn't remember much of anything I'd done or sent or given or written. I felt I hadn't done enough. But my mother had shared all these instances with her own mother and I was then re-gifted everything so magnificently in that precious letter that when I read it now I burst into tears.

It's best not to tally anything. Give and forget is my motto. Unless I am given. And that I don't forget.

Daughter handed me a huge bag of goodies yesterday.

Bits and bobs including her wonderful baking and cooking.

Among them is this magnificent oil lamp which thrills me to pieces. In so many ways.

How very dear she is.

Every time I light it I will think of her.


  1. Happy for you
    feeling better.
    The gifts sound wonderful
    You are loved...
    Take care
    and I love the lamp :)

  2. What goes around comes around? And daughters are special and this gift is amazing. I am determined to get a couple like that as soon as possible so that I can have them for lighting the dinner table!

  3. I seriously do feel that I came out of this endless tunnel, Ernestine. I felt so hopeless for a while.

  4. Ramana I can hardly wait to dine in the light of them with some good friends and family.

  5. May the light be always with you!

    We are both fortunate to have such caring daughters.

  6. Aren't we just GM, so very, very lucky.


  7. There, I knew 2015 will have its moments.
    It is so good to experience the kindness of others, unexpected kindness, that comes with no strings. And no pay-off.

    I am sure that you are never careful about handing out kindness to others, you just don’t sound to be the kind of miser who gives with a view to receiving.

    So take what you are given with a good grace.

  8. "In the letter she listed all the ways and kindnesses and gifts I'd given my mother in the last few years of her life."

    What a fabulous idea. I'll remember it, and I'll use it to comfort someone, someday. Thank you!

  9. I've been given so many gifts. I'm a lucky woman.

  10. I remember a life check list that included the question, "have you ever made someone else really really happy?"
    I was glad to be able to answer yes.
    We say what goes around comes around but we don't keep track. I feel like it is a gift when you have the opportunity to do something for someone else.

  11. I agree, tallying up all the favours you've done for people is bizarre. I give to people when I have the opportunity and then forget all about it. Like you, if someone listed all the things I'd done for them, I'd be completely taken by surprise.

  12. My daughter and I have been talking about setting intentions. You and your friends have been doing it all along. I'm so glad for you~


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