Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Losing the Run of Myself

It happens.

A combination of many issues and challenges.

Mainly an additional injury to my back.

Followed by my going off a medication I didn't believe was that essential.

And oh my god on that as the consequences had me nearly hospitalized AGAIN.

Followed by my incessant doom scrolling.

Followed by ceasing to read blog-mates' blogs.

Followed by lack of sleep.

Followed by hermitizing myself due to mobility issues.

Followed by cabin fever.

Followed by a massive pity party.

I'm peeping above the parapet today. And daring to get upright in the process.

Gratitude list.

Music - Daughter converted me to Spotify (what a dream!) so am abandoning my Ipod which served me well for over 10 years.

Flowering plants everywhere in my home.

Good immersive books.

A marvellous season of great streaming series which are distracting me from my own misery.

A beautiful photo taken by one of my brothers on his hike yesterday in West Cork. Off in the distance you can see the Fastnet Rock Lighthouse, the last piece of land seen by the Titanic on its way to the U.S. An extraordinary piece of engineering.

I'll get around to reading all your blogs soonest. I'm sure you've all been prolific ⌨ 👀💓.