There’s something quite chilling about these numbers. Unemployment statistics and the freefalling economy are still tumbling into darkness. It ain’t over by a long shot. And may never be.
Here in the Great White North the government continues to babble about how great we’re doing vs our neighbour down south. I don’t believe it for a minute.
And down south? They’re all about protesting the evil socialism of universal health care. While 1 in 9 of its citizens are on food stamps. FOOD STAMPS.
Yes, that’s right 35 million (35,000,000) US citizens are on food stamps.
What was that again about socialism?
Down here in the south our president made a speech to school children and the whacky right objected to their children listening to it because it was "socialistic". Good heavens, what can these people be thinking?
ReplyDeleteI just don't understand the total paranoia about socialism in the US. There must be people totally destitute with no home or job who still see socialism as some alien nightmare rather than a way to help them out of their misery.
ReplyDeleteIt is extraordinary how many people are drinking the Koolaid, yeah?
ReplyDeleteAnd the truth is being hidden from them all by the great corporate propaganda machine. What was it that Mr. Barnum said again :^)
It's too bad that Americans are so politically isolated from the rest of the world and don't see how other systems work. They are so inwardly turned and so blind to what is out there. I find Americans very ignorant, very often. And remember, I lived there for 22 years.
ReplyDeleteThe added lunacy is that many (most) people using food stamps, and there are a lot of 'em in this state, still vote REPUBLICAN, helping to keep the capitalist heel on their throats!!!
ReplyDeleteI will never, never, never understand it.
ReplyDeleteConsigned to eternal darkness, that is the story of most Americans and they're not even aware of it. it is incredibly sad.
I think the brainwashing is so intense that there's no room for even a sliver of enlightenment, it never fails to astonish me.
Ah, but socialism is fine - so long as no-one mentions the word. It's only the word that upsets them. Obama should make the US government a limited company, then he could do what he liked and no-one would complain.