Wednesday, December 03, 2008

I’m a Blog Blob

I’m a Blog Blob

It’s addictive, isn’t it?

Both the reading of yours and the writing of mine.

Something like pimping and procuring. Of the best kind. The discovery of like-minded souls, who may be geographically distant but are nevertheless kindred spirits.

No editor to scream at me to tighten things up, to chop things down, to backstory this and highlight that.

It gets to the point that other writing, the more serious and intense kind, has no appeal for me, it takes a back seat to this.

And I really should prioritize it: the articles, the short story collection, the novels.

Right after I take a quick trip over to your blog.

I think I need serious intervention. Blobby Rehab? Bloggers Anonymous?

Oh - and feel free to take one of these stickers for your blog.


  1. BA Bloggers Anon,
    Great! You come up with the best names for stuff WWW.
    I am like that myself; I love reading my favourite blogs first thing in the morning!
    For your information there is no cure for a Blog Blob.

  2. Apart from someone pulling the plug, Gaye!!
    I find it extraordinary how the blogging community has developed and grown to encompass so many diverse people with a passion for writing and putting their thoughts out there!!

  3. I am glad to know that I am a Blog Blob and that there is no cure for it.

    What did we do before blogging?

  4. I'm infected/addicted too WWW.

    What would they make us do in Blobby Rehab then? Write learned dissertations on obscure topics?
    Learn a new language? Do housework for hours and hours?

    I'm not going! (It was the last one that decided it!) Sorry. I'm happy to be blobby. Blobolicious - just like you. ;-)

  5. GM:
    Oh I dunno, housework, work, laundry, all that cool stuff. It's a shame we don't miss it!!

  6. T:
    And my daughter and younger generations are Facebooked to the max and don't quite get this blog thing.
    I think Blobby Rehab would involve quill pens, ink and Basildon Bond.

  7. I think that blogs are the most fantastic thing to come out in recent years - even though my own Blogging is sadly lacking (my updates keep on slowing down as I write a few sentences each day about my travels round New Zealand). Where else do I find like minded individuals all around the globe?

    However, I'm a blog addict in that it takes me about half an hour each morning to catch up on all the blogs that I have on my favourites list...

  8. Mary, I would rather not give up my blog blobbing. It's a harmless addiction, after all, if sometimes a bit overwhelming, when I read all the good stuff that is out there in cyberspace. #1 son was blogging years ago, but seemed to taper off when his old Ma got involved. Shame really, because he did really good stuff. Now I think I'm chasing him off Facebook too. Serves him right - it's payback time for all the fun he spoiled for me over the years ...

  9. Please oh please don't go to Blobby rehab or you may end up like this!!

    Twilight may remember this if he was around before she left for the US.


  10. Hi Jo:
    Oh I so agree particularly when it comes to the news and opinions and the real importances. I always enjoy reading you!

  11. Yes Tessa, I hear ya, my daughter was blogging too, a really great blog and has stopped though I don't take that on, I've tried to minimize my own baggage!!
    I don't know where all the thoughts and words would go without blogging, I'd probably be that endlessly muttering old wan in the supermarket!!

  12. Rossa:
    Oh I had never met that blobby, I had emigrated well before then, what a sorry end, he would have been a great mascot for us all!

  13. Rossa - Oh yes, I remember him well! :-D


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