Saturday, November 07, 2015

In Real Life

You FBers. Have you ever gazed upon the glamourous, clean lives full of magic unicorns and cuddly kittens that your friends live on FB?

I know. Some of you are not on FB. Well done, y'all.

But for those who are on FB, you understand what I'm saying, I'm sure. Always smiling, children so well behaved and clean, mein gott, how do they manage that - not a bib or a spit-up or sagging leak in sight and smiles on those kids reflecting the beaming pride on their parents' faces. In my time, it would have taken me an hour to wrangle my kids, their father and the assorted animals into a tidy pile, not to mention cleaning them up beforehand and begging them to smile. I had one kid who timed her dreadful faces to the moment the money shot was being clicked.

But I digress.

Yesterday I caught two couples in real life. Really glamourous couples on FB. The first couple (restaurateurs) - loads of happy pics on FB - were staggering out of Walmart with bockity trollies loaded down with tat and were grim-faced and putting out that "don't even look at me vibe" so intensely that they didn't spot me as I pulled into the parking lot close by their jangling, screeching carts.

The next couple (both artistes of some renown, she's about 30 years younger than him) were heading into Starbucks as I was stepping out, clutching my bag of decaff. espresso - I think it's the only company in NL that stocks this nectar of the gods for my late-night snarfling - and I did a double take on them. I don't often see them in real life you see, but the shots I do see have them glammed up and laid back and at spiffy events. Here he was cranky and feeble and honestly, she looked like his granddaughter.

I love catching people in real life. It humanizes them. Makes me realize that the FB status that is projected into the ether does not reflect a normal life balance.




  1. I much prefer blogging to Facebook though I do post there...I don't think I have a normal life balance, either at this point.

  2. I had a facebook account for a month, some years ago. Done at the daughter's insistence, then discontinued at their insistence. I miss it not.

    I guess we can interpret fb celebs as otherwise celebs? I've met a few, known well fewer, but yeah, they all seem to be different in the 'real world' than in the press.

    1. Sorting the chaff from the wheat can be a never ending chore Mike but more and more I find it an amazing tool of activism and continuing enlightenment if one finds the right gangs to hang with.


    2. I need better gangs.

  3. E - I mean normal in the sense of everyday trials & tribulations. I do hope you're OK.

    I.'m truly adventurous on FB tonight I posted a plate of local kale I was going to have for my supper. Lol. Be still my heart.


  4. FB as real life? Hmmm, I should get B to post of picture of me... sleeping!

  5. I would've been interested in that plate of kale, WWW! What I don't like are the recipe posts that you have to "share" in order to "save" ... (or you have to save them on your hard drive, which requires fiddling around) ... I'd say about 90% of what I see in my FB news feed isn't worth a second look. But the rest is, or can be, so it's worth a look for sure. I love the potential for discovery and connection that is there, the renewal of old ties that can occur, seeing my longtime friends' beautiful newborn twin grandchildren, stuff like that.

    1. We're FB friends S JG so you can see my plate of kale. I agree with all you've said used properly FB can be a powerful tool of change.


  6. Very true that the glossy scenes presented on Facebook can be rather different from the everyday reality. Parents especially tend to hide those hellish episodes where their kids are in filthy clothes and playing up something rotten. But I have two Facebook friends who pass on their frequent cooking disasters and sartorial gaffes, which is most refreshing. I try to pass on my own domestic mishaps and emotional crises but sometimes I have to admit I'd rather forget all about them.

    1. It can be very useful and entertaining apart from the 70% who play pass the basket of unoriginal memes and links of click bait. The other 30% are either entertaining or informative or tailored to a friend's interests.


  7. I shall ensure that you never catch me in real life in embarrassing situations.

  8. I like watching people when I am out and about :) which is kind of seldom at
    this moment. I seem to have a talent for reading people, some in their almost
    ragged attire probably have the most and could care less how they look and some dressed like perfect
    do not have all but that attractive outfit.
    Of course this is not always true - but is a lot of the time...

    1. The masks, as I call them OWJ. We all wear them to an extent but some get really carried away. I was astonished at a community event today when the kitchen prep was over and the co-ordinator changed into a whole new outfit, including shoes. It made me like her more for some reason. Like I understood her a bit better.


  9. Forgot to mention I recently deactivated FB account - do not have time for it.
    Like writing my journal when a thought arises and usually so many comment and email
    and children and sometimes grandchildren do.
    That's enough for this one at this time of life :)

    1. I'm a member of some secret groups on FB and find the support and the outlet for ranting and sharing is a balm to my soul. Not much time for the fluff and the cute kittens.

  10. The reason I post so seldom any more on FB. Life is not all beauty and roses. Also, too many of my FB "friends" post political and religious stuff that makes me gag. I do so love to hear what people are doing in real life but very few post the real stuff.

    My husband drinks the decaf espresso, too.

  11. I'm appalled at what my former classmates from another town post on FB. Perfectly nice and caring people--to each other, all with the same cast of skin and socioeconomic level--who say the most atrocious things about "others." I can't, just can't reconcile such vile stuff with their kindness in other situations. Then I remember why my parents moved us to that town: we were moved specifically to a small town that was all white in the early 60's when integration was ordered. They grew up to the the true progeny of racist parents. But, how can they? I have only one reason for staying on FB. Our current domicile in a small town that is a bit disaster prone--in the last month, we've had a 4,600 acre wildfire that destroyed 68 homes followed by a major flood with the river cresting at 26 feet above flood level--and FB is the best place for keeping up with our county emergency department. Otherwise, I would be gone from FB in a heartbeat. As it is, I'm one by one "unfollowing" my former classmates.

  12. I read some research that showed that if you are happy with your life, FB helps you feel connected, but if there is anything amiss, it just makes you sadder and lonelier. Me, I just step in and out sporadically because ti often annoys me with its falseness.


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