Tuesday, December 01, 2015

What happens in between?

I seriously envy those who blog every day. Sometimes twice. Interesting posts. I lurk on some as they get something like 100 comments and I just KNOW they're not reading them all. How do I know? Well, I don't really. The ones who get just a few comments, well I comment. Because they notice I do and usually reply. So we're all happy, our egos and us.

In between my blog posts, when I'm up for it, I do other writings. Climbing back into the saddle after my annis horribilis. There's always fodder for writing even in the sad and miserable times. I'm working on this play of mine, another reading tomorrow with one of the two cast members, a "feelz" meeting for the character. And then there's my "Job" which involves budgeting and newsletters and several liaison committees all of which eat away at my time but leaves me with no fodder for a blog post as you'd all snore away at how dreary meetings can be.

Speaking of meetings, the most successful I ever attended were a series of brain-storming sessions in Toronto which lasted 1/2 an hour tops. No coffee, no sticky buns, and NO chairs. Business moved at the speed of light, everybody jonesing for those missing items.

Out here? Endless, if you let them. When I chair, I clip along, nip the expounders and broadcasters in the bud (butt?) and use the word "focus" a lot which is non-offensive and works - most of the time. There's always one who will tell you his discourse is important, doncha know. Then I use the word "please" elevating my voice in gradations until it's just shy of a banshee's howl.

Yesterday was a book finalization meeting. I was thrilled when they all begged me to include "Norah", my story which was short-listed for the Fish prize in Ireland.

I think the old fashioned sepia cover with the oil lamp is going to fly, the blur is deliberate. That's a picture of my parents beside it.

So that's my life in between.

How about yours?


  1. There is an art to chairing a meeting ~ having an agenda and being willing to delegate items that require committee attention are the secret as far as I'm concerned. There's a lot that goes on in-between around my place but other people are involved and I resolved to keep the focus on me when I started. I share around the edges.... I like the sepia cover.

    1. I always have an agenda Sharon but there's always a drone or someone quick to take offence at perceived slights. Spare me. LOL.


  2. Fantastic news on being asked to include "Norah" in the book - I re-read it from your link, and it brought tears to my eyes again, even though I knew this time how it was going to end. A wonderfully evocative and flowing piece of writing.

    My "in-between" is now my main life - I'm hoping to restart the blog over the Christmas break (one of the joys of being in the southern hemisphere - Christmas and summer coincide and no-one bats an eyelid to you taking two weeks off). Two years is a long time to leave it languishing!

    I hear you on the meetings - both in work and out of it (I moved off of one "extra-curricular" committee, and ended up on another). What annoys me is when you successfully get through the agenda really fast, think you've got time back in your day, and then someone raises the dreaded "any other business", and you end up leaving late...

    My in-between has revolved around music these last few months - I've had the opportunity to play some pieces which mean a lot to me as a musician, including the bassoon solos in "Sorcerer's Apprentice" and Mozart's Requiem. Three concerts in five weeks. Plus I've got a stunning arrangement of "Summer Time" for bassoon to learn and play for my own delight over Christmas.

    And then there is the cat, the garden, the science-fiction groups and I've finally managed to start writing fiction again after more than four years of lack of inspiration...

    1. I'm thrilled for you Jo on all fronts. I've missed your writing we go back a long way from your days in Bristol. One of my party pieces was Summertime Sadly my voice has gone AWOL after a rotten infection.

      I look forward to reading you again......


  3. I'm very glad I don't attract a hundred-plus comments on my blog posts. I would struggle to read them all, let alone reply to them. A small, loyal and thoughtful band of visitors suits me very well.

    1. Me too Nick grateful most of mine are lurkers or email me privately.


  4. On blogging? Pathetic. I am unable to get myself to blog. It is the compulsion of the weekly Friday blog that keeps mine alive.

    1. Ramana! ! You blog ALL the time I envy your prowess!


  5. I once thought I should blog daily, but experienced doing so as becoming too time consuming, distracting from real life experiences and creating an unwanted sense of obligation to do so.

    The writing group in which I have participated has gradually evaporated, unless it rejuvenates in 2016. I'll miss hearing read aloud the contributions of our members, but will continue writing some of my own concoctions. Personal memoirs that I don't post on my blog will continue to be written. Addressing pro and con issues associated with my professional life such as full retirement, engaging with friends, family and activities continue to be a focus.

    1. Joared: My writing workshops (a new one starting on Jan 4th) take away time from my blog writing too. Prepping for them, etc. And then conducting them, though all worthwhile with the enthusiasm and the talent.

      A daily commitment would be more than I could handle but I do set myself little challenges from time to time on the blog :)


    2. You do writing workshops?! I had better start saving for a trip your way.

  6. Another horrible mess here, thanks to some crazy person in San Bernadino...I so wish I could jump countries and go live somewhere that people were not so screwed up...

    1. Homegrown terrorists. The gun culture is appalling, E. 355 mass shootings in the US this year so far. Over 1 a day. Intolerable. Do you think the NRA have as huge influence? Something has to be done and soon.


  7. I often comment when there are no commenters before me, because I know how encouraging it is. But when there are a lot, I may get the urge to say something and don't; I think "No point in "me-too'ing" and "This blogger already has plenty of support to keep going."

    Another thing I've waffled about is whether to reply to comments on my own blog, because when I comment on someone else's blog, I don't always remember to go back and see if she has replied. When I know a blogger habitually does, I try to remember to go check, but even then it's hit and miss.

    1. I try and respond to comments and on the whole I succeed. Many don't and it's all a choice thing. The many who don't respond will email me privately from time to time and further pursue a topic. It all works out, really.

      You are one of the daily bloggers I admire (and also grateful for your blog help from time to time). You keep your blog very fresh and interesting.


  8. Thanks for including the link to Norah .. a story that I had missed and which I found very powerful. As for in between, for me it's blogging, which I do in between volunteering, part-time work, and the usual recreational activities of the retired.

    1. Thank you Tom, for taking the time to read it. I had been mulling that for a while before I wrote it.

      Life happens between the posts, yeah? :)


  9. That's wonderful news about your story---it is truly evocative.

  10. I blog frequently but don't get a lot of comments. The comments I like best are from people who are engaged with the topics I write about.


Comments are welcome. Anonymous comments will be deleted unread.

Email me at wisewebwomanatgmaildotcom if you're having trouble.