Thursday, December 14, 2017


'Tis easy indeed to focus on the challenges, the negativity, the scarcity.

Today, I focus on the positive, the intangibles and tangibles.

I find it helpful to take a look at the life I'm living from the perspective of a stranger looking in.

I had a giggle in the hall yesterday with a woman who admired the fact I was driving still. She only drives in the summer. I said rain was a challenge in the short days when night descended so rapidly. She agreed. I asked where she was off to. She said she was a champion dart player and was off to claim a prize and free dinner. Dressed to the nines she was. She said: I think I'll beat their darty asses for another 10 years. She volunteered she was 84. I loved her spirit.

I'm still one of the "babies" in this building which makes me smile.

I found this delicious white fur coat (fake fur) at the SPCA thrift shop a couple of weeks ago. It had the tags still on it at $225 and I got it for $20. It was one of those mad purchases (internal dialogue: white? white? Are you insane?) but every time I wear it - for a fancy dinner with a Toronto friend, to a marvelous potluck dinner on Sunday, to my book club luncheon on Monday, I feel like a movie star. And the reactions? Everyone comments, even strangers. (OMG, the coat, that coat!). Best $20 I spent in a long time.

Daughter booked us dinner on Xmas day in one of the fancy hotels here. We had a bit of a hunt as Christmas is a sacrament in this province (aggressive Merry Christmas pronouncements, Jesus' birthday donchaknow, etc., no understanding of other faiths celebrating during the same timeframe, and oh horror, you're a pagan/atheist, Satan stay away from me, etc. Along with the most outrageous consumption of material crap I've ever witnessed and the most deadly and ugly driving to get at it.

So to find this civilized hotel was amazing. We would do this in Toronto on Christmas Day and often take a movie in too (exnay on a movie here, unfortunately). Delighted we are.

A dear friend in New York sent me an outrageously flamboyant poinsettia. Her story of how she managed to order it and have it delivered to me is a long blog post unto itself. And to top this off, in the mail today was the most beautiful hand designed silk scarf from her. I am so touched.

Grandgirl called me from Cambodia where she is stationed for a while and we chatted for 2 hours. I feel so very blessed with her in my life. She is one fascinating young woman and we have a wealth of commonality in our interests.

So conversely, on the downside, the last windstorm took down a large tree branch at my unsold outport saltbox house which snagged a wire which pulled down a corner of my roof and left a mess across the meadow. The power company is getting there today. I was so upset yesterday when I was there and felt quite powerless. Even more upset when I realized that a few were working on the Cathedral next door and hadn't bothered to report it themselves or to me. The inhumanity of these prominent churchy people who want my house for a song, continues to astonish me. Long may I be surprised as to be cynical and hating doesn't serve me well.

I am working on submitting a play to the Women's Work Festival. I'd written this play a while ago but was unable to get it produced in the outports. Maybe I'll have more luck in St. John's, the Big Small Smoke.

I must say I love living here in St. John's.

It's a rebirth of the finest kind.


  1. I did not realize your granddaughter was away, much less in Cambodia. Wow. Glad you were able to speak for two hours. Good luck with your play, and I hope the mess at your house is quickly sorted. I wonder if your greedy neighbors are waiting for it to blow down? Have a great holiday despite them and enjoy your new coat!

    1. Well power called me today and said it was telephone so I put telephone on the job of clearing it up.

      Meanwhile the toilet overflowed - well you know how life is - but I'm hanging on to all that is going right. :)


  2. Yes the small things make me happy and I can forget the nasties for a while.


  3. It is great to hear that you have had such wonderful "positives" to count these days! A pox on those who would not call about the damage to your property. Lovely to hear that you are really enjoying your new home.

    1. Candace, sometimes it takes quite an effort to focus on the positive, especially when things don't go as planned!

      Stay well!


  4. What a great and newsy post, WWW! I'm so happy to know that in spite of all that is going pear-shaped, other pleasing things are providing a comforting, pleasing balancing effect. :) I'd love to see the coat!

  5. Your post bubbles with surprised happiness. I’m loving following your St John’s life.

  6. I'm glad you are finding joy in your new life. The coat sounds like a sweet deal. What's your granddaughter doing in Cambodia?


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