Saturday, July 21, 2018

Home from Home

I have a couple of dear friends out here. I met him not long after I moved here permanently and subsequently met his wife. They live up a hill in the town where I was resident for 14 years and their gorgeous homey place became like a second home to me. She is a marvellous cook. Their dog Salty was great friends with my beloved Ansa. Salty was and remains a total gentleman. When Ansa arrived he would immediately cede his bed, his toys and his food to her and just about genuflect when he passed her. She was a very humble dog by nature, totally non-aggressive, and would take his grovelling overtures with a slight sense of entitlement and then turn her back on him as she enjoyed his treats. This courtship gave us a vast amount of amusement.

I spent the night out there last night and we chatted till 3 in the morning, dissecting politics and world news, meandering into provincial and then into local and family politics. They are very well read and have keen analytical minds. I am included in their family gatherings and feel utterly blessed that they are like a brother and sister to me.

I am always at a loss as to how to gift them so I make or create things for they break the outer limits of generosity to me always.

I made this shawlette for C and called it after the spectacular sunsets of my former town. She was over the moon.

Here it is being blocked:

I brought B beautiful potted plants for outside. He loves his garden.

I brought Salty sausages, his favourite kind.

I slept in their tiny luxurious guest room on one of those high beds that you float into and then fall asleep instantly. I don't think I've ever known such an incredible bed.

We had sorted our worlds out both global and local and were much satisfied.

And I was completely spoiled.


  1. I am so jealous of such a wonderful friendship that includes room and board, too. You are indeed very blessed.

    1. It is a rarity I know and I feel so fortunate.


  2. Replies
    1. We all need some oasis in our life where we are so welcome and understood.


  3. Nothing like such friends to give occasional treats to keep one's sanity. Strangely enough, I too had an outing to a lunch yesterday to a young couple's home where a few other friends from a larger group to which we all belong were invited. A friend ferried me to and fro and the food and company was thoroughly enjoyable. I have two more lunch meetings coming up next week which too promise to be quite interesting. If you wonder why only lunches, I don't eat after 2 pm!

    1. Sensible but odd eating plan Ramana - is there a reason and do you go to bed really early?

      Yes, good friends are such a gift.


    2. I have been following a 6/18 routine for the past three months. One mug of tea at 6.00 am, breakfast at 8.00 am, lunch at 1.00 pm and finally one mug of tea at 4.30 pm. No solids for 18 hours. Solids only during a window of 6 hours. I have lost 6 Kgs. I have some more distance to go. I sleep better and am able to move better.

  4. Good friends and wonderful gifts to let them know how much they mean to you. Sounds perfect to me.

    1. A wonderful, strengthening treat and not to often indulged to weaken it.

      I hope you are doing better SAW, you've been to hell and hopefully back now.


  5. Wonderful to have such good friends. No gift can be more personal and treasured than one created with love and caring as you have given them.

    1. A two way street Joared. A family based on love can be so much deeper than a family of blood. I find it a pleasure to be able to create something special for those I love.


  6. How very thoughtful of you to choose presents with care.
    Good friends need cosseting, there aren’t that many available to anyone.

    1. How very true Friko and as we get older they are as rare as hen's teeth.


  7. A lovely tribute to your friends, WWW! You are fortunate to know them - and they are equally lucky to know you!

    I want (need) a bed like that one you describe!

    1. Me too, T. The bed is indescribable and I've experienced some great beds in my time!


  8. How wonderful! Beautiful shawl...your gifts are perfect!

  9. I feel happy all over reading this!

  10. The shawlette is beautiful, bright , makes me smile to see it. I am sure it will be appreciated forever.
    Life's loves, friends like that.

  11. The perfect visit in my mind. I miss late-night talks with people who listen and understand. They are lucky to have you as a friend as well.


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