Thursday, December 31, 2020

A Tough Ol' Year

For all of us.

Not that we hadn't been warned way ahead of time. For years. A virus would get us in the end, they said, something invisible. With a breathtaking virulence and multiple mutations. That's something out of sci-fi, we thought, sneering. With all our medical knowledge we would slay it within weeks, look what we did to all the old diseases, diptheria, whooping cough, measles, polio. We are smarter than any virus. Yet here we go stumbling into 2021 and the virus is mutating and outsmarting us all right behind us.

And look what's happened. Millions dead. And still more will be dead from the after-effects. Not to mention the suicides and debilitating depressions and the undiagnosed non-Covid illnesses like cancer, heart disease, with people too afraid of hospitals to go for tests and diagnostics.

So yeah, it was tough, as we limp into 2021, still uncertain of what the future holds.

As to me? I read a lot. I wrote a lot. I streamed a lot. Didn't knit as much as I wanted to.

The gifts of Covid, not in any particular order:

(1) Zoom meetings every Sunday afternoon with my five siblings, we are scattered througout the world but we all show up faithfully week after week.

(2) Seeing clearly what's important and what isn't in life.

(3) Missing really ordinary bits and pieces I took for granted like sitting in cafes with friends mulling over the state of the world. Never realizing that that was a something I took for grantd pre-Plague. Live theatre, live music.

(4) Zoom Meetings with long time friends in Ontario whom I miss so much.

(5) Seeing how local friends misbehaved in not following the protocols, never realizing how truly selfish they were in not protecting others by wearing a mask.

(6) Forcing myself to fix computer and tablet issues when challenged. It hurt the ancient brain but I managed. And felt inordinately proud when successful (hello new bluetooth connection which took an inordinate amount of time.)

(7) Precious travelling trip to the Great Northern Peninsula with Grandgirl and Daughter. Grandgirl had to self-isolate for 2 weeks when she got here before we all set off and I am so grateful for her concern and caring of her old grandma.

(8) Enjoying cheap flowers like never before, here's a picture of the irises I bought yesterday:

Here's a pic of Grandgirl and me at the Viking Settlement, I wish I had the picture handy of me pushing her in her jogging stroller 25 years before as we I ran in a Toronto road race! It would have been one of those perfect circle of life treasures. I'll never forget her lisping over and over "Go, grandma, go!" Now it was my turn to urge her on through the trails!

And here's a bunch of Irish wishes for all of you out there as we bravely face this brand new year.


  1. Wisewebwoman, I love the beautiful Irish "wishes." Thank you. I'm sending you all the best you wish for next year....good health, of course, and content in living your life precisely the way you want. I enjoyed the photo of Grandgirl and you...precious! Hugs from Across the Pond at the base of the mini-mountain in Maine.

    1. I feel I could wave at you Regina! I loved Maine when I visited. Not as rugged as Newfoundland and one of my favourite places was Camden.


  2. That is nice poetry. It was a challenging year and we at least survived but perhaps not prospered mentally at least. My best wishes to you for 2021.

    1. Thank you Andrew and I wish the same for you.


  3. It's been a hard year, harder for some than for others, but we made it through. Now we should focus on what is to come, vaccines, cures, peace between the peoples, not what was before,(riots, racism, hate). not that any of that should be forgotten, but we need to do better.

    1. Oh for sure River, the country to the South of us here needs to get through the next few weeks as their Traitor In Chief threatens and pardons and blackmails in his attempt to retain power. I do hope he's thrown in jail.


  4. I too noticed how much more self reliant we have become. And five siblings gathering...I am so happy you managed this. I have not learned Zoom; no one to Zoom with. But you give me the idea to try to start up a zoom luncheon with some old friends. Happy new year to you.

    1. Same to you Joanne, and I do hope you tackle Zoom, it's quite easy once you get the hand of it and Google/Youttube have some good lessons.


  5. Thank you so much for those beautiful wishes.
    It has indeed been a hard year, and for some a VERY hard year.
    I am wishing a more hopeful, happy and healthy year to the world. And a pandemic of kindness.

  6. Thanks for your blog this year. And a Happy New Year to you.

    1. Thanks for reading it Boud. And a happy New Year to you too :)


  7. Yes, in many ways, it has been an eventful year with many reports of changed lifestyles of friends and members of my extended family. Many will retain the changed ways and some employers also affirm that WFH will be encouraged.

    The Irish Blessings are beautiful and I send them right back to you.

    Happy new year.

    1. Yes the events have been very different indeed but valuable nevertheless.

      Long may we prosper, Ramana and best of times to you ahead.


  8. Happy New Year to you as well!
    I miss many of those things too. This (these) were our years to get a lot of travel in. Instead we luckily have been happy staying home.
    I too miss all the theatre we would have attended. Concerts were nil.
    I miss the simple things, sitting in a café, trying a new restaurant.
    Long wandering afternoons with my BFF!
    This, too, shall pass. But I am scared of what 2021 is like.

    1. I have to admit to terror as well Jackie as Ireland gets worse and worse and Ontario's cases are awful along with the LTC homes (60 dead in one alone)

      And don't get me started on Mike Harris.


  9. Happy New Year! We too have learned to count our blessings. My one goal for this year: to learn how to crochet. Seems silly but my grandmother crocheted the loveliest things, and I too would like to. I kept telling my daughter to learn how so she could make me things, and then I thought, learn it yourself! And that is what I'm going to do. (It will probably take me all year to learn, but I will do it.) Slainte!

    1. I have never mastered crochet Elle, in spite of the endlessly patient lessons I've had. My tension is poor. Good luck with it all!


  10. That is a great photo of you being pushed by your granddaughter. Circle of life, indeed. Happy new year! Aloha from Hawaii.

  11. Not an easy year at all but you have some lovely memories -- especially with your thoughtful considerate caring grand girl. Thank for for the Irish wishes. Wishing you peach, good health, prosperity and happiness in this new year.

    1. Thank you Joared, I do hope things improve in your infested neck of the woods.


  12. Love the pic of you and Grand-girl! Also the Irish blessings. May they all come back to you!

  13. Nice post. You point out some good things that have come from the pandemic. Sometimes it's easy to forget that anything good came from it. Happy New Year. Many blessings to you. :-)

    1. Thank you Teresa. I think wannabe hermits do a little better in Covid Times but there are great learning opportunities.


  14. You are right about both good and bad...some people never learn. Health and happiness to you in the new year.

    1. Thank you E and the same for you, I hope things improve in Florida, I have several friends there who struggle with the number of cases.

  15. Yes, it was an awful year, but there were still unexpected delights and pleasures along the way. As you say, seeing clearly what's important and what isn't in life. And for me, really appreciating the company of a loved one when so many external activities have been cancelled and I'm feeling a bit under siege.

    That's a lovely pic of you and grandgirl.

    1. Thanks Nick, she is a lovely human in every way.

      I hear you on loved ones. Mine have never been so loving and caring and it touches my heart.


  16. We all jumped on some steep learning curves, didn't we? and now we all have extra skills, which isn't a bad thing.

    A very happy new year to you and irish blessings aplenty!

    1. Thank you Kylie, your poetry has emerged during these times!


  17. What a gift your granddaughter gave you, to isolate for those two weeks so that you two could be together! You must be such an important part of her life.

    1. As she is to mine Linda. She is truly special and honourable and responsible with a loving heart.



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