Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Turning a Nasty Corner

 So here. On this so far so safe island, Covid 19 is now out of control in the schools and polling booths. Our premier called an election in the midst of a pandemic. With no votes by mail or on line. I won't post links but you get the picture.

Mask wearing was not enforced in schools, shame on the educators involved and sports meets were just about normal.

Complacency ruled. We were so safe. I saw that in my own building. Darts, coffee mornings, card games, laundry rooms, who needs masks? You're over-reacting WWW! These are seniors who regularly babysat grandchildren and had big family gatherings on the weekends. Asking about their bubbles was to receive derisive laughter. 

So here we are now. Community spread and imminent lockdown coming up.

Meancwhile, the hospital called me for a back X-ray on my doctor's orders (at least he's working for me!) and both the nurse and I laughed and laughed. As if. 

So on the phone with my sister today she was telling me (she's in Ireland) that some seniors there are opting out of ventilator treatement and choosing death instead. That gave me shivers.

Meanwhile niece's family (she, husband and 5 kids) have all been tested yesterday on a drive thru and so far so good.

By way of light relief I offer you a picutre of my mountain of books which pleases me no end.

And the gang on the windowsill. The middle one is thyme, one of my favourite herbs, which I have never, in all my born years, grown successfully before.


  1. I just got off the phone with my sister-in-law who lives on Quidi Vidi Rd. She told me there are 75 cases in St. Pearl. She is 91 and never gets out, so I don't know where she got her info, but she blames it on students. I thought she meant University students. I WISH I had read your post before I talked with her! She said lockdown is going to last two weeks. I do hope it will be under control by then! So many thoughtless people put all at risk. Incredible the stupidity.

    1. Yes it was remote workers coming in from other provinces RNR, and not staying in isolation and lying. It only takes the one. And the bars were open - a bunch of drunks observing protocols? LOL. And then a few students (high school parties, sports meets) and there you have it.

      I live overlooking Quidi Vidi!!

      It's worsening as I type.


  2. Good thoughts for you from here. Stay safe...I know you are but, goodness , your post is an eye opener.
    There is more to treatment than ventilators.

    1. Maybe not, I'm not sure. But ventilators are not picnic and if one is old too and isolated well, I understand the kill me now of it all.


  3. I'm so sorry to hear Covid is now rampaging through the community there. We have another outbreak in Melbourne, Victoria with state borders being closed again from midnight last night. News on TV and in newspapers show hundreds of people rushing to get to Adelaide before the borders closed. How do we know none are infectious??
    I hope your community gets this outbreak under control vey quickly. Stay safe.

    1. Polling booths are now spreaders River - judging from the advance polling booth.

      This is really serious. It could decimate us.


  4. I am so sorry! Cursing the source is pleasant, then double mask, wash your hands and social distance. That's what we oldsters here have done, and so far it's working. For the last year!

    1. I wish they all would do so, I've been in virtual isolation so I am not worried for me, but for family.

      It's the covidiots that are concerning.


  5. The case numbers go down, people get complacent, the case numbers go up. That seems to be the way this disease works. Glad to hear your niece and family -- and you too! -- are all okay.

    1. thanks Tom. Further testing for my family next week as the exposure was worse than they thought.


  6. I hope you stay safe, and I'm sorry people are learning the hard way about how rapidly it can spread.

    1. I think there's a total lack of grasp on how serious it all is Boud. Even now. I took a poll on seniors and were they voting on Saturday and the response is laughable (yes, it will all be blown over by then).



  7. That's so disappointing to hear and after so long.
    Your plants certainly look happy enough.

  8. There is something so satisfying about having a mountain of books. I got my first vaccine jab 2 weeks ago and have an appt. for the second one in two weeks. I pray this virus gets tamed and disappears soon. Sorry to hear about the outbreak where you live, it is here too.

    1. And no vaccines here Terra, apart from minimal. Some pundits are saying it will be mid 2022 now because of the lack of foresight with China and putting all our vaccine eggs in one basket and then having a major diplomatic disagreement.


  9. Hooray for books and plants. Both keep me sane(ish).
    I am sorry to hear of your outbreak. My city is safe for the moment but a moment's stupidity can change that. Sadly stupidity and complacency are every where.

    1. Everywhere EC, all around me. Staggering in stupidity. I'll be on CBC tomorrow it looks like discussing this.


    2. I am really glad that CBC is recognising your valuable contributions to debate/discussion.

  10. Hooray for books, plants and thyme. Covidiots are everywhere. We all hope and pray not to run into any. Stay safe and sane!

    1. I've been in virtual isolation for about a year now Charlotte and I have an abundance of caution.


  11. As you say, it only takes one, and we are all hostage to that one. I am so sorry to hear about this and do hope that you and your family can stay safe.

    1. Thank you Annie, me too. News from Niece this morning is not good.


  12. India has by and large managed the pandemic quite effectively and people finally have learnt to wear masks and take other precautions. Schools and colleges are reopening and so far things seem to be under control.

    Impressive array of books waiting to be read!

    1. Good for India Ramana, and other countries far less careless than we are. Our premier is an absolute dolt. There I've said it. Our CMH is the only beacon and I imagine he is influencing her though he's not supposed to.


  13. Complacency rules indeed. There's a general assumption now in the UK that once you're vaccinated you're "safe". You can't infect anyone and they can't infect you. Hello, a 67 per cent effectiveness rate isn't the same as 100 per cent protection. But nobody's listening.

    1. It drives me crazy too Nick. I can't believe the arguments some are offering apart from the tinfoil hat brigade who are always amongst us.

      A complete and total lack of grasp of the situation.


  14. It really is shocking, how blind, deaf and stupid so many people can be.
    Keep yourself well and don't spread the damn plague -- how difficult is that to understand? Apparently impossible, for some! -Kate

    1. And honestly, you have to laugh Kate at the seniors crowding around the script counter at Lawton's with their masks hanging around their noses. Otherwise we'd wind up banging our heads off the nearest wall.


  15. That's an interesting concept: Choosing death over a ventilator. I might do the same if I am stricken with the virus.

    1. I was thinking that too Gigi. I totally get it. What kind of a life on a vent? Especially for a senior with possible months on it. Always in agony. Kill me now.


  16. I've been looking to the past, reading about the anti-mask campaigns in 1918-1919 here in the U.S. My reading both discourages me since it's apparent that some are repeating the same patterns--misrepresenting science, touting fake cures, claiming an attempt to undo our freedoms--and teaches me that humans are humans, no better or worse than they were 100 years ago.

    I love your cheerful and aromatic plants!

  17. I hadn't heard the word "covidiot" before and think it will become very useful in describing what's going on all around us. I'm happy to hear you might be on CBC again, could this become a weekly event? At least for now although topics you are discussing are with us more than right now! I will keep an eye out for it. Loved your book stack and your healthy plants too! Take good care,

  18. It's everywhere. And yes, covidiots are everywhere. I get so angry when I see people out and about maskless. I worry that we'll never get this viru under control.


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