Saturday, January 11, 2025

Sunday Selections.

 Joining others in this Sunday Selection mix of photo-dumps.

Elephant's Child

From The Highrise

Drifting through Life

among others.

I'm just going to throw randoms out here today. I was looking through some old albums (so many, lord, so many) and selected some that bring me joy with brief descriptions

I love this one of Ansa smelling the wild irises as we hiked the cliffs to Cape St. Mary's which has one of the largest gannet populations in the world.

This was the glorious view from the deck of my last house. I could watch the fishing boats and seals from my front door.

I loved photographing my knitting on old boats and docks.

I must have hundred of pictures of sunsets from my deck at the house.

And for those who wonder about such things - here is a fishing boat posing nicely between icebergs (melting rapidly)


  1. I really like the fishing boat between the ice bergs. Your knitting is very nice too, a knee rug?

  2. Like Jesus parting the sea, so was the iceberg was parted to allow passage to the trawler. It's a great photo.

  3. Love them all but am particularly drawn to your beautiful knitting and the icebergs.


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