Sunday, January 19, 2025

Sunday Selections

Joining others in this Sunday Selection mix of photo-dumps.

Elephant's Child

From The Highrise

Drifting through Life

among others.

A painting of my daughter's house which I just bought for Daughter for her birthday. I absolutely love it and so will she. Her house also overlooks the ocean where hundreds of whales come in every summer. The pond reflected is a duck pond.

Orchids and African violets - what more could a spirit need?

Apart from a shelf of unread books? All these gifted from our annual Jolabokaflod plus a couple from the local library.

An old shot from my front garden as a boat heads out to the open sea.

A baby iceberg abandoned by its mother.


  1. A great collection, so many scenes that just please the heart and soul. Your daughter's home must be an amazing place...seeing whales! A shelf of books, flowers, and memories, all good things.

  2. What a great painting and what a place to live.
    Did anyone call Sea Shepherd or similar about rescuing the abandoned iceberg? Coastguard?


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