It turns out, oh what a shock, that the reason the FDA are not banning bisphenol A or BPA is because the research has been compromised by the very industry who are polluting our brains with it. BPA is the toxic element in plastic bottles, including baby bottles, banned recently in Canada.
But you know, just in case, the FDA said this:
"Parents who, as a precaution, wish to use alternatives for their bottle-fed babies can use glass and other substitutes for polycarbonate plastic bottles; avoid heating formula in polycarbonate plastic bottles; and consult their paediatrician about switching to powdered infant formula."
Now, correct me if I’m wrong here. But weren’t these polycarbonates substitutes for glass in the first place?
And another shocker:
The Vatican are kinda-sorta refusing to release files that implicate the Pope of the time, Pius Xll, in turning a blind eye or both to the Holocaust. No! Mother Church? Never!
The current pope, Bennie, is insisting that Pius helped the Jews and wants to canonize him for his efforts. And those pics of Papa Pi with those Nazis? Courtesy calls only. Get a grip. Oh, just a sec, wasn't young Bennie a member of the Nazis in Germany? Oh, no connection? Alrightee then.
And Amex are laying off thousands of employees. While I sympathize with the 7,000 workers, I’m nastily gloating over this mini-downfall of the corporate vulture. I’ve had to deal with Amex over the years both on behalf of clients and as a consumer and I find them the greatest bunch of wankers out there. On every level. Appalling service, delayed payments to their vendors, obscene commission rates on charges and a total disdain for complaints. Karma. Is. Wonderful.
And Nicole Kidman broadcasts her co-dependency issues. ‘Nuff said.
And last but not least:
One in three women report having sexual problems.
I love those headlines. This one gets full marks for unsubstantive reportage and National Inquirer style journalism. No one gets under the covers of this one, so to speak, and finds out, like, why? Maybe depression, job loss, maybe husband/partner disinterested, maybe work-related stress, maybe illness?
Oh, just toss out that headline with the underlying premise of: eyeroll: Women, now what??