Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The Poor Downtrodden Whites!

"For far too long white Americans have been told that diversity is something beneficial to their existence. Statistics prove that the opposite is true. New Hampshire residents must seek to preserve their racial identity if we want future generations to have to possibility to live in such a great state. Affirmative action, illegal and legal non-white immigration, anti-white public school systems, and an anti-white media have done much damage to the United States of America and especially New Hampshire. It is time for white people in New Hampshire and across the country to take a stand. We are only 8 percent of the world's population and we need our own homeland, just like any other non-white group of people deserve their own homeland."
—Ryan J. Murdough, a Republican candidate for the New Hampshire State House.

Let me get this straight:

So they stole the land they live on from the indigenous peoples. They then enslaved black Africans to work the land and do their bidding. They then allowed brown people to do the work that was beneath them.

And now they're whining for a 'homeland'?

I get it.


  1. He's got a great sense of humor, doesn't he? He reminds me of someone in recent history. I can't quite think of his name. Had a mustache.

  2. I know! I know!
    Clark Gable, right?

  3. Right, that's exactly who I was thinking of.

  4. Oh no, this is becoming scary. I may indeed have to move to Newfoundland, and not just for the mechanic.

  5. How about a homeland in the Arctic Circle? Except that they'd probably end up shooting all the polar bears....

  6. Marcia:
    I've often thought I have 5,000 reasons for moving here, I must start a post about it!
    Yes, it is scary and with Harper in power here (though a parliamentary system)and the G20 scandal, we can't be too far behind you guys!

  7. Nick:
    The polar bears are white! You forgot!
    Now if 'twere brown bears - nudder story!

  8. What's next then - breaking out the KKK uniforms to launder and starch?

  9. Us emigrants might be forced to do that, T!
    It is downright scary, isn't it.

  10. Irony of Irony WWW you too are living on stolen land as all your commenters are

  11. GFB:
    But we're not the one with the placards waving about, wittering on rights and homeland, are we?

  12. Well, I know it's bad here, but it can't be bad enough for that guy to actually get elected, can it?

  13. We ALL have rights. There's a danger in thinking that because a white person asks for rights, it's somehow bad. We don't have to apologize for a millenium for something that happened long before any of us were born.

  14. 20CW:
    All signs are not good, I certainly hope not!

  15. Brad:
    My personal philosophy has always been: my rights end exactly where yours begin.
    And I certainly hope the 'rights' demanded by these 'whites' strike you as ironic.

  16. One can have one's "own homeland" without trampling the rights of others. The forebears of Murdough's "8 percent of whites in the world's population" got theirs by killing and "resettling" the Native Americans and enslaving a population they stole from another homeland. I may not have had a personal hand in those things, but I am not about to support a "white only" America in my own time.

  17. None of us OWN the land, we are allowed borrow it for the duration. perhaps if we remember that, we might look after it properly.

  18. Pauline:
    Imagine all "homelands" based on the colour of one's skin and its variables.
    The word resonates very badly with me. Perhaps from those scary Nazi documentaries?
    And if the USA was to dump her non-white USians, what's left?
    DNA testing to all, LOL.

  19. GM:
    It is only on loan from our grandchildren, wasn't that a native saying?
    Lately, it's like everyone's forgotten history.
    Arizona was stolen from the Mexicans to begin with.

  20. There is a fear mongering mentality in the USA that is frightening. Politicians (in both parties) are in the pockets of corporations. Mass media keeps the focus off the greedy by stirring emotions with twisted "facts." Average people are manipulated and reactionary. Financial collapse feeds the frenzied search for placing blame. Sigh. I have no answers.

    In the next 10 generations (if we can make it), my deepest hope is that we will be inter-bred enough to be one race - the human race. But then, who will be "us" and who will be "them?"

  21. The search and destroy model for "scapegoats" is endemic Sharon and not exclusively USian either. I've observed it in Ireland and in Canada.
    No one wants to take personal responsibility for the mess we're in.
    We need to focus on solutions but with Big Corp in charge that ain't going to happen while they pimp oil and drugs (both legal and illegal) at us.
    This othering has to stop as a first step.
    I find when scientists and aboriginals get together their solutions are awesome. Now to get Demz Wot Rulez to pay attention.
    As if.


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