Saturday, January 26, 2013


I'm getting this photo of mine blown up for a friend who was raised in this magical valley.

I'm trying to push myself into an attitude of gratitude. I do try. All the time. But have to remind myself when I slip and kvetch.

I've spent most of the day on the phone. With two friends. One is a new friend who lives in Montreal. Funny that: how one can connect in the matter of minutes and just know that the relationship will hold. We talked books and writing. Mainly. But family stuff too. Heavy shyte as I like to say. Amazing that our lives are open books to each other and we, seriously, have only known each other a few months. That happens sometimes. Gratitude. She will share a session she's having in New York with a well-known author with me.

The other friend lives in Toronto and offered her house to me for a month while she's away. Right on the subway. And her car. And she adores my dog. And she has a piano. I've missed my piano something fierce. And I truly despise the electric keyboard that was given to me.

I'm thinking about it.

And I marvel at how generous these two people are in my life.

And yes, I will try and keep myself in this state of perpetual gratitude. It's a good spot to be in.


  1. Gratitude
    yes, feel it.
    These two
    are special blessings...
    sounds wonderful.
    I yearn for the tropics
    and not comfortable
    traveling alone.
    But then
    it might happen :)

  2. I wonder if you will be able to stay in Toronto for a month. It will be a completely different environment than where you are now. Something tells me you ought not to do it, but that may be because of the frame of mind I find myself in right now. Can you be grateful and stay in St. John with Ansa? xox

  3. I miss fam and friends there, Irene and my friend who offered me the house lives in a great area. I don't think I could stay a month (the air there makes me very sick)but 10 days would be great. Ansa doesn't fly well so I'd leave her here with Leo.
    if I can get a cheap flight I will consider, right now there are no cheap flights :)
    Go figure.

  4. OWJ:
    I too am no longer comfortable travelling alone due to a horrific experience I had in New York in the Home Security office a few years back.
    But I figure I'm safe in my own country?!
    I would love to visit New Mexico but....

  5. Sounds like those two are treasures. I'd go, if I were you...Your remark about "heavy shyte" made me laugh!A little while back I wrote a post in which that was(part of) the title. After a while I noticed that a few people, who used to comment regularly, had dropped completely off my comment box....then it dawned on me. Oh well. There are enough instances in life where we have to watch our Ps and Qs. Not going to make the blog one of them.

  6. Have fun in Toronto. And if you get into trouble, call me.

  7. Staying in Toronto for 10 days will be fine, WWW. You will not have to miss Ansa for too long and get enough of a wiff of the big city to appreciate it. The museum, the cinema, the theater, yes!

  8. You do indeed have a lot of blessings to count. I try to count mine too, but it is awfully easy to take for granted the good things and dwell on the bad.

    Speaking of unpleasant airport experiences, I recently had one of my most unpleasant full body friskings at Heathrow in London. I think they pick me, a great-granny, to show they aren't racially profiling.

    I wish you a cheap fare to Toronto. A little bit of the big city is wonderful, and what a great city Toronto is!

  9. and what a boring sweet world it would be if we were always all sweetness and gratitude and light. they love you for your sharp edges, too, you know.

  10. Molly:
    Good lawd, if people are offended so easily then you're better off without them.

    I remember an old phrase from my Cork days: She wouldn't say shyte if her mouth was full of it.

    Gross but to the point!!


  11. Ramana:
    If I'm NOT getting into trouble I'll call you for help.

  12. Irene:
    I could spend the entire 10 days at the cinema.

  13. Anne:
    Welcome to the been frisked club. At least you weren't held over in some kind of fascist security office with black shirts as I was. For the unmitigated gall of carrying dual citizenship!!

    Guilty as charged mein fuhrer.
    I'm ready to pounce on a cheap fare!!


  14. Laurie:

    And I can be most awfully prickly!!


  15. Yes I lost a commenter because she did not like my naughty words. No loss, because she posted mostly sourpuss comments without realizing how negative she was and how depressed she sounded.
    WWW: I think you should travel, even if there are things you don't like about it. My unsolicited advice!

  16. More and more I'm moving towards that Hattie, I've got a total craving to see family, friends, movies and what have yous, I love this rural life but a hit of the city now and again is bliss. :)


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