There is one quality in Donald Trump I admire. Very much. And no, I am not taking the mickey or the piss out of him. Seriously. It's his hair. Or rather the way he feels about his hair.
I think it must be the world's longest comb-over. There's some that say it is down to his waist at night and in the morning has to be flipped under/over/under five or six times to make it rest so massively on top of his head. And sometimes the hair spray doesn't hold it all together and a wind takes it in twists and turns around his shoulders and leaves him with a high forehead; by high I mean it goes back to the crown of his head. And all this blondy-white growth then tumbles hither and yon around his neck. Publicly.
And no, I never laugh at him and his hirsute obsession. Because it takes enormous chutzpah to face the derision of the world. And to carry on, and on, and on with the incredible management of your hair in the face of such mockery. He knows how everyone feels and he bloody well carries on and he's a millionaire who could shave his head or wear a wig or get hair-plugs or even tattoo his skull.
It's like his hair is a beloved pet he is going to honour and respect and downright love. For ever.
What brought this on? you might well ask. Well I'm with The Donald on hair. I am the only woman I know over sixty who has long hair. People (usually other women) don't know what to make of me and it. Seriously. It can irritate them. Much like The Donald's crop.
Isn't it a nuisance? Yeah, sometimes.
It must kill you to shampoo it? Yeah, it's a bit of work alright.
Why don't you cut it? It's not time.
Now everything else about Mr. Trump I just about despise, his politics, his racism, his misogyny, his prejudices.
But he and I sing from the same songbook when it comes to our hair.
What about Hilary Clinton? vp
ReplyDeleteI have short hair because mine just isn't full enough to grow long and be a beautiful head of hair. I always look with envy at people who do have this no matter what their gender or age. Some gray haired women do look very actractive with their hair down to their shoulders or in a braid. I think hair should happen naturally and have as little done to it as possible. If you have it, thank the gods for it and be proud of it.
ReplyDeleteHow resourceful! You found something to admire in (or on) The Donald! There's a lady in a quilt group I sometimes go to who, ever since I'd known her, had beautiful long grey hair which she always wore in an elegant Gibson Girl style. She's 80 if she's a day. Then one day she showed up with a shoulder length bob. I almost wept. She went from a lady who had grown old with grace and style to another chaser after lost youth. My grandmother had a little silver bun at the nape of her neck and I always thought I'd wear my hair that way when I grew older----but obviously, Granny had nicer, more cooperative hair than I do!
ReplyDeleteShow us a picture!
ReplyDeleteHillary's hair is NOT long, it barely hits her shoulders. Mine goes down my back. As does Donald's I venture. :)
ReplyDeleteI'm on the crossroads with mine as it is getting thinner. But I like it and I wear it up most of the time.
I admire your hair style but it would not suit me.
ReplyDeleteI will try and work out a way to take a pic through a mirror as I am anonymous here.
Yes I remember both my grandmothers had long hair. One (Maternal) had a braid wrapped around her head. I loved it and she would let me brush it out every night. The other scared me, her bun was so tight and she looked hardwired, gimlet eyed.
Sorry about your friend, this fighting of age is a whole waste of energy, isn't it.
As you know my hair is short. It is really thick and very heavy if left uncut for more than six weeks. Seriously, I end up with scaldy eyes and a headache - no fun, I can tell you.
ReplyDeleteI love women - of all ages - with long hair. There was a woman in the city where I went to university who had the most striking silver hair which was all the way down to her hips. Most of the time, she wore it in a bun, but every so often, she'd let it loose, or in a flowing pony tail, and she'd turn heads.
ReplyDeleteMy hair is mid-back length. Every so often, I joke with my husband about chopping it all off, but I know that, unless forced, I never will. I can't wear it loose - it has a tendency to do a hosepipe on me and look like I've gone through a hedge backwards as soon as I step out of the door - however, I love being able to play with it in a variety of different braids and styles.
Well, I never thought I’d ever come across a fan of Donald Trump’s hair. He means little to us over here (except when he’s trying to buy a chunk of Scotland for one of his ‘developments’) but his hair commands column inches and ridicule quite separate from him.
ReplyDeleteI’ve had very long hair, short hair, medium lengths, short, long again, over the years. Now it’s growing again and I get it cut just above shoulder length. I also have highlights put in, apparently it’s the least painful way of going grey gracefully.
I am still vain and concerned with how I look and probably always will be.
I have to disagree. Having long hair as an older woman is fine - it's just because you like your hair. And having long hair as a man is fine, too, for that matter. But Trump and others of the combover ilk are trying to hide the fact that they're balding. Except that it's such a painfully obvious maneuver that it warrants mockery. Two entirely different issues. If Trump wore his long hair down, I might buy that it was just because he likes having long hair.
ReplyDeleteMy hair, incidentally, is too baby fine to wear very long. It ranges from shoulder length to several inches longer than that. It is almost always in a pony tail. Sometimes a French braid. I'm 50 now and intend to wear it that way forever.
I love long hair and in my 70's if I could I would be right there with you :)
ReplyDeleteMine fine, curly and short at this time.
My daughter's all have long beautiful hair.
When I was part of the world and lived a different lifestyle I wore
a number of long hair pieces when
traveling and people always commented on my beautiful hair
and I would just smile....
Nothing wrong with having long hair. I don't know why other people find that so strange. Why should you conform to some oldie stereotype?
ReplyDeleteBut I agree with Agent about Trump, combovers are just ridiculous attempts to conceal baldness.
As someone who has suffered hair loss and writes for a hair loss company website, I am afraid I do find Donald Trump ridiculous to persevere with such a terrible solution when so much better ones are out there and do not understand why he does it when money is no object.
ReplyDeleteYour hair is beautiful, having seen it in person.
And your style suits you.
ReplyDeleteYes, we can do all sorts of stuff with long hair. Ponytails, buns, chignons. For a long time I had this silver celtic holder that I would put half my hair in and the rest down my back.
I've never liked hair on my face.
ReplyDeleteYes, of course my whole point was that he doesn't care about the ridicule. At all. He has every resource at his disposal but he refuses to conform and that is what I admired most about him.
Yes, my one vanity would be my hair, I think.
Donald Trump is reasonably good looking facially - can't see why he's so afraid to go high-forehead, he'd look fine - must be some deeply ingrained insecurity. ;-)
ReplyDeleteRe long hair after a certain age - nobody's business but the hair-owner. A hairdresser once said to me that women (meaning me) tend to stick with the style which enhanced them and was most popular in their "hey day". I told her I'd never had a hey day, but I'd back comb as much as I darned well please, whenever I please. ;-)
ReplyDeleteBut my point was that he knows he is being ridiculed for this hair business and he just carries on with it. I do admire that. For others often hold us back in many ways for being different and urging us to conform. This is why the man is a millionaire I would suspect. He refuses to listen to those voices and they are public and insistent and constant.
He knows he's bald but doesn't give an arse.
I know my once thick hair is thinning and wear it the way I like it. To hell with the naysayers.
ReplyDeleteBeauty is in the eye of the beholder they say. But often in the eye of the instigator too. If Trump sees beauty in that mirror every morning. Good on him
ReplyDeleteIsn't it amazing though that he does it? I am seriously lost in admiration for him, what's meat to him is our poisson, if we let it.
I bow to his sheer brazen denial of the reality of his hair. I do.
ReplyDeleteI think no one else gets why I admire The Donald but only in the area of hair. Nothing else. He's a man in the public eye being constantly ridiculed and carries on, regardless. Yay Donald.
Good that you found a suitable style. A friend (now deceased) had a very similar hairstyle that she never changed.
It suits you both remarkably well :)
Egad WWW when started to read this I thought you were confessing to having a comb over.Whew!
ReplyDeleteOh give me a few years and I might have to!
I actually have a theory about Trumps ridiculous hair. It's not that he loves it and doesn't care what others think. It's that it's an in-your-face move on his part - "Screw you, I have so much money that you have to treat me well no matter how big an ass I am in my actions or appearance." That hair is hostile, I'm telling you.
ReplyDeleteOr maybe for all his money and wit he's in complete denial of how absolutely ridiculous he looks with a meringue on his head?
Either way I don't mind his f*** yous at all.
I think we'd all do well to take an appetizer off his plate.
ReplyDeleteI sure wish blogger would listen when I tell it you're NOT SPAM!
I loved your story of the wigs :)
Should I emulate Don before you will sing from the same songbook with me?
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely not, Ramana. You be yourself. Just like The Donald.
ReplyDeleteThough I must say you with a massive combover would be a sight to see!!