Thursday, March 20, 2014

The Upside of the Downside.

Many positives can be extracted from the negatives, right? That being a scientific fact 'n all.

Thanks for all the supportive comments that I received. Depression is normal. Especially for those of the creative and/or addictive bent. I choose to remain unmedicated. Caveat: I respect those who choose otherwise. Many years ago, medicated, I lost myself. I flat-lined. I chose (for me) not to live that way. So the 5% rough and tough facets of me co-exist with the 95% smooth - this ratio was a lot, lot worse, believe me. Sometimes it's a bumpy ride. I lose the run of myself for a while and I retreat. And breathe. And get sad. And morose. And prickly. And overly sensitive. And choose, very carefully, who I spend time with (Yeah, I know: with whom I spend time. How distancing is that CORRECT sentence structure? Just sayin'.)

I had to appear, yet again, on public media yesterday. And because I'm in the sub-human (all too human, really) condition I'm in, I didn't give a rat's you know what which serves me extraordinarily well as I'm not in the least bit nervous in front of the cameras and I can look grim and forbidding and no-nonsense (downright saucy my granny would've called it) which was just what was needed. You should see the emails on my "magnificent" performance.

Little do they know the prerequisite is the Black Dog.

I fooled 'em all.


  1. I've seen you on grannymar. I went to grannymar beause I spent 5 weeks in Ireland.

    I like you/your blogs. I have a gravatar but some blogs don't recognize it.


  2. Good for you - if you can see silver lining, that's half the battle.

  3. Bravo! You just keep foolin 'em all!

  4. you make me smile
    and you are fine...
    no medication for this one either :)
    just sun, music, walking and thinking of all I have to be
    thankful for.

  5. Reading this post, your last (Sideswiped) and previous ones has once more confirmed that I feel totally helpless when someone is pinned down by 'the black dog'. I literally don't know what to say, what to do. Useless.

    The few times I was faced with people severely depressed I would have loved to have chained their dog. But how? I suppose sometimes we just have to accept that there is nothing we can do, that we have to ride the wave with the person affected as best we can.

    It was rather refreshing to read in the comment section that not all who are depressed succumb to medical intervention. Of which there is too much - in my opinion. Not that I am knocking a pill's possible benefit. However, these days you can't so much as mourn your cat having died without someone sending you to the doctor. How crazy is that?

    Wish I could send you a daffodil. Yellow being such a joyful colour.


  6. You should show us bits and pieces of some of those emails on your magnificent performance! Crow (as in "gloat, boast, or exult) about them!

  7. I do empathise and can only say what I tell myself - this too shall pass. Sending my good wishes...

  8. That's very strong of you to resist medicines and look for other ways of dealing with depression. It seems that by and large you manage to do so quite well. And as Agent says, it's good that you can find a silver lining in something that on the face of it is so negative.

  9. Good for you! Congrats on your "performance" which would not be possible if it wasn't in your nature to begin with. I have taken the medication route when there was no light at the end of the tunnel...and got off the drugs ASAP. It helped when it was the last resort, and I owe my life to good doctors and counseling. For the last 27 years I've tried to nip it before it gets that bad, which means I need to stay tuned in to where I am and how I'm feeling. I envy the laid back and carefree but that's not me, at least not in this lifetime. But oh, the good times are that much sweeter ~

  10. When I first started blogging in '06 (which still makes me think "1906") and I posted about being depressed, you were the first person to tell me about the Black Dog. It sits on you, won't let you up, is heavy and dark and just "there." I do medicate my depression, and even so, the Black Dog visits now and then. I bear his weight until he's ready to leave. And so do you. I think you bear his weight quite well, given the active love-filled life you lead.

    I'm thinking of you, dear Wise Woman. So glad you're posting.

  11. Well! I can't leave you for a moment, can I? There I go, having a welcome break from the WWW (that's 'World Wide Web' NOT 'WiseWebWoman', I'm meaning) to fight off the cursed hackers once more, and what do I find on my return? You're on a downer. Well, why not? At least, the only way is up.
    Frankly, if this darned winter goes on much longer I'll be down there with you. Spring? We don't know the meaning of the word here in the U.P.. And I hear you've had it bad, too?
    Mind, if I had to go spouting in front of the cameras, I'd be really depressed - to say nothing of scared witless!
    Hope you feel better soon.

  12. I think one of my comments got lost.

  13. The Black Dog seems to visit all of us from time to time. Some times when we least expect it to.
    Hope you're feeling better soon. I think you are definitely right in saying that artistic and sensitive people get visited the most.
    Maggie x

    Nuts in May

  14. I had taken anti-depressants most of my adult life until a couple of years ago when I listened to a program discussing how most of the effect is in dispute. I was on MAO inhibitors in the old days and serotonin reuptake inhibitors most recently. I tapered. I found that there was no measurable difference in my mood. I also, at this age, accept that I will be in a foul mood from November 1st until April 1st due to the weather and the dark. Acceptance brought me so much relief. I wonder just how many people are on antidepressants without deriving any real benefit from them.


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