Sunday, September 28, 2014


It's odd this. But I have 3 places to stay in France. Free. And other distant places too, truth be known. And I can't afford the travel costs. Not just the airfare, though that would be a bit of a slice of money. But travelling around once I reach the destination. And food. And wee giftees. It all adds up. Until I have the bestseller. Ha.

Then another friend has decided to spend her fortune when she retires renting exotic places around the world for a month or two and then inviting her close friends to visit her and stay as long as they wanted. All they'd have to pay are their airfares and then head for Patagonia or Hong Kong or the Outer Hebrides where she'd be. Food and shelter provided. Again, I have to laugh. Airfares being a huge chunk of change for this pensioner.

A beloved niece sent me a lovely note about her upcoming wedding. Advance warning. A year in fact. To please be there. I'm going to try. I'd like to be there as I'm extremely fond of her. As I am of all my nieces.

The more I read of elders' writing (mainly solitary women, but some men) the more I realize how many of us are impoverished. Dreading expensive dental work or intensive house repairs or increases in rent or a new car. On the edge of financial catastrophe so to speak. Travel is in the class of bon-bon, a frippery.

I'm not complaining, in case you think I am. Not at all. I have my health, my writing and the odd wee fee for workshops, etc. And my knitting. And my photo-cards. And my books. And my darling Tigeen with a bonus of some rentals thrown my way.

And I buy the very best coffee beans. Always. One thing in my life is simply not negotiable.

Luxurious living is all in the mind.

And excellent coffee helps.


  1. The stats of people over 65 in the US bear out your observation. So many of us live in the state of 'will my SS check be enough this month?'.
    I wish things were other for you.

  2. Sometimes the folks who are whizzing round the world, are chasing rainbows. You can do that just by closing your eyes and letting the imagination do the work.

  3. Jenny and I love travelling but as you say airfares are expensive and that's one thing we might have to give up if and when our income shrinks. It would be very disappointing.

    I totally agree that good-quality coffee is not negotiable. As for instant coffee - eeek!

  4. A 60+ divorced writer friend is currently dealing with a crumbling tooth because she can't afford to pay the dental bill and has no dental insurance. She had a long-ongoing contract with a publisher that suddenly cratered, leaving her without work until she scrambled to find other work. Publishers tend to pay 30-60 days after completion of the work, so although she's working again, she won't be soon paid. We have already helped with her bills this month and cannot do more ourselves.

  5. Your entry brings about many thoughts. A part of me would like to travel but at this time would need someone to go with me.
    I am content here in this simple cottage with enough to take care of my lifestyle at this time with no extra's. Then I think I could sell everything and travel but
    do not know if I will need what is here to take care of me and if it is not needed would like to leave my children something as so much in this family was lost by
    one I divorced 40 years ago.
    Do not know if what I am sharing even makes sense. I dream and am content here in my simple surroundings and guess keeping health is the main issue at this time.

  6. SFM:

    I rarely dream of extra money but now and again fearful of the lack of it.

    I try and stay where my hands are and that helps.

    Health is far more important than wealth and I really believe that.


  7. GM:

    No, no whizzing for me, I never travel that way. I amble. As do my friends.

    The irony being I have all these places to visit and no funds to get there :)

    But I am content.


  8. Nick,

    Eek indeed on instant coffee, LOL.

    Enjoy the travelling while you can. And I'm sure a good pension will insure its continuance.


  9. Linda:

    She sure is lucky to have a good friend in you!

    I sympathize with your friend. I was prepaid for a series of workshops which helped me get to Ireland this year.

    Without that.....yikes.


  10. OWJ

    You always make sense to me. I know what you are saying. I was similarly afflicted, single mum stuff living paycheck to paycheck. It seems like always.

    My pleasure this morning came from topping up the birdfeeders, Daughter planning to cook fresh fish here tonight and Leo sawing the wood out back.

    Life is good.


  11. Yes, same here: enough for our needs, which are simple. As for wants - books are cheap and plentiful.

    I'd love to have enough to go to gigs and concerts all over Europe. YouTube second best thing.

    Coffee, OH would die without his Bonka brand Columbian. I love my tea.

    When I win the lottery, you'll be sure to get a shedload of dough from me for your travels!

  12. Aha Pamela,

    I hope you buy tickets then :)

    I don't. Worked out the odds many years ago and figured it a mug's game, LOL.

    BUT if you win, yes, a shedload would be lovely, thanks. See you in Naples? Peru? Iceland?


  13. I read some research on this recently and it showed that as people mature, they are increasingly able to find happiness in the small pleasures and experiences in life. I like that.

  14. Ah yes, but travel is wonderful and airplanes are magic carpets for all the grumbling we do about them. They are ruinous for the environment, of course.

  15. SAW:

    So very true, the pleasures get smaller and smaller. And that is a good thing.


  16. Hattie:

    And if I'd loads of money I'd hypocritically be flying everywhere, I'd think. Well hiking where my destination would be but definitely flying there. Then again, boats?


  17. I retired from teaching and danced for joy for a solid year--until I bought a car and hosed my budget. So I decided to substitute now and again. Subbing bit into my writing time, but it was fun to see the kids again AND the money was decent. I was saving for my first trip to Ireland. Then I decided to attend a writing conference next month AND self-publish my YA historical fantasy (which meant paying for an editor and a cover designer), so now I'm back saving for Ireland all over again. My point: given the choice between plenty of money but too much stress and not enough money and complete freedom I'd go the middle route: adequate money if I give up freedom once in a while. Can I do that? (I spent my morning unsuccessfully hunting down your identity so I could buy your short story book, but I can't afford that kind of time again tomorrow, so could you send me an Amazon link or something? Thanks, Delaney)

  18. You have one more place to stay for free in Pune in Western India, the world's best coffee made by yours truly as often as you want and some great Indian food again cooked by yours truly. You may have to sleep in the bathtub, but you will hardly get time to sleep anyway.

  19. I joke that I'm going to end up a bag lady, but I'm not really joking. I know it's a very real possibility and aside from saving my pittance from each paycheque, I don't know what I can do about it, so I try to be positive and believe that I'll find my way through.

    But, like you, I figure good coffee is a must, and so are other costs of living well. I drink coffee every morning, therefore it should be the best I can afford and it should be organic and fair trade and that is all there is to it. Some think that's a ridiculous luxury; I figure I need to vote with my dollars when it comes to the marketplace, to get the point across to growers and retailers about what I want and am willing to pay for.


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