Friday, May 29, 2015


I'm 25 years off television. I wrote about this on and off over the years. I haven't missed it once. I was pleased today to see a friend announcing on FB that he's unplugged himself from the news. Like New Rule. Not off sports though, he's one of those avid sports fans. I don't see the point of it unless it's to temper male aggression. My father was an angry man but when he'd return from his beloved hurling matches it was like all the starch was kicked out of him for the rest of the evening. I think sports watching serves a purpose for former hunters and gatherers. It cools the heat, flattens the fists, redirects complaints to the hulking teamsters on the flat screen plus, bonus, it gives them something to autopsy afterwards.

I'm thinking of terminating the daily newspaper again. It doesn't start my day well. I enjoy the columnists but the incessant drug/murder/mayhem/abuse stories are taking their toll on me. I prefer my bubble of birds outside, bouncing around the bird feeders (and what an incredible variety this year including the delightful purple finches and northern flickers).

I have choice I remind myself, so I recently unplugged from an End of Days listserv. I mean there's nothing I can do about our planet's tailspin. I'd rather not know if it's going to be today or next year.

Ignorant bliss is a good state for this elder. Pass me my knitting.


  1. I got rid of my television sixteen years ago and never missed it.

    Television gives millions of people one image.
    Radio allows millions of people to make millions of images in their heads.

    I am a radio fan.

  2. I so agree, GM, and you can walk around while the radio or music is on. TV can be an addiction. I truly feel uncomfortable in houses where it is on all the time.

  3. I have thought of the same thing, only turn TV on
    at dawn to see what weather is and if I am still on the planet :) Newpaper, awful except for the Sunday
    N.Y. Times - I subscribe and so many interesting articles. I am rather isolated and it is like a friend to m...

  4. I wouldn't mind the NY Times on Sunday or the Guardian, in paper form please, don't care for the on line editions so much.
    I find my weather on my device but it's of no use if I can look out the window and confirm it :) Only when I'm going somewhere.


  5. We subscribe to the Guardian Weekly. We don't have television but do have Netflix and Amazon Prime.

  6. I'm only 3 years unplugged. mine wasn't a choice. i suffered a traumatic brain injury and television and movies give me seizures. i have music on all the time and i have loved it. So much free time now to do things that actually use my mind and are a contribution to my fellow citizens....

  7. it has been 10 or 15 years since we let go of TV. I honestly don't know where people find the time to watch it. Life is good

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I have a monitor for watching netflix. We can't get a decent newspaper here. I don't give a care. I've kept myself on a media diet for years. People are incredulous but I find that I still know the important stuff. Could it be that olds is better than news?

  10. Saturday’s Guardian is my weekly newspaper fix. It lasts me all week. Otherwise it’s the lunchtime news because it’s good for dropping off after the headlines.

    TV is for documentaries and such and the odd thriller or history programme.

    My downfall is my iPad. for a quick peruse of the BBC website or Guardian online or HuffPost.

    Sadly, I’m addicted.

  11. I thought I had found a news source that was trustworthy, with reasoned commentary and thoughtful insights. In recent months, that commentary has degenerated into the same kind of bashing, generalizing, and gleeful name-calling that I've seen elsewhere. I'm disappointed and am rapidly coming to the conclusion that I do myself and others more good by withdrawing from that site and limited my other exposure to news. I have felt I needed to informed and to lend my voice, however soft and impotent, to those who want to correct wrongs done to others. Perhaps I do myself, my loved ones, and my immediate neighbors more good by turning my gaze to those closest to me and away from the world at large.

  12. I thought I had found a news source that was trustworthy, with reasoned commentary and thoughtful insights. In recent months, that commentary has degenerated into the same kind of bashing, generalizing, and gleeful name-calling that I've seen elsewhere. I'm disappointed and am rapidly coming to the conclusion that I do myself and others more good by withdrawing from that site and limiting my other exposure to news. I have felt I needed to informed and to lend my voice, however soft and impotent, to those who want to correct wrongs done to others. Perhaps I do myself, my loved ones, and my immediate neighbors more good by turning my gaze to those closest to me and away from the world at large.

  13. I don't watch TV at all. The set at home is almost always used to see films either via the cable service or the DVD player.

    I however read four newspapers a day and also solve four crossword puzzles in them! I am lost without them.


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