Saturday, November 21, 2020

Weird Things About Me

Maybe not so weird, but thinking about them I wonder if any of you out there have similar types of habits behaviours that are slightly askew and maybe a little off.

(1)I can't pass by a jar of Q-Tips without taking one out and foisting it into my ear. Not in public or anything. Just the first private moment I get. Or if I'm in your bathroom right then and there. No need. I just do it.

(2)Ditto with a blackboard with available chalk. I have to write something. If not alone with it, I'll find an excuse to go back and print or draw something small.

(3)I can't stay in a hotel or inn without lifting something. Something unnoticeable. Last time it was this plastic zipper bag hidden under a pile of towels which I knew would hold all my tinier knitting supplies. Well, no one was using it obviously. These "found" tiny objects without any significant value remind me of the place I stayed and the memories generated. One time it was a blue eyeliner pencil someone left behind. I never use makeup, but I still have it. Moncton, New Brunswick in a snow storm.

(4)I can't bear to throw away even the tiniest piece of yarn from a finished project. I always send a supply (for minor repairs dow the road) to the receiver of my gift but then struggle with the remaining bits as they remind me of the completed work.


  1. I have a fridge magnet that says 'The only normal people are those you don't know very well'.
    I like your quirks.
    While I am sure I have them, none leap to mind (perhaps because they are normal to me?). I will give it thought.

    1. More of mind leaped to mind after I wrote this but I think I'll hold those particular buttons close to my chest.

      Speaking of buttons....


  2. Our mom used to take all the left over scraps of handspun wool, divide them carefully into two balls, then knit a pair of mittens. I kept doing that, until all the wool was gone and on little hands. And big hands, too.

    1. That is wonderful, Joanne, I am currently making a small pillow from scraps :)


  3. I did a stockinette stitch afghan many years ago. I cast on 4 and increased 1 stitch every row until I liked the length, then decreased back to 4. I completely emptied the bag of bits. It is a fun afghan.

    1. Those are real fun, Elle and so colourful. I use a marl technique for these. I am finishing one at the moment and will post once it's done.


  4. Here in Australia, Q-tips are called cottonbuds and I always have a plentiful supply, but only use them after shampooing my hair to dry out any shampoo and water that might have travelled into the ears. I also can easily pass a blackboard with chalk. The only things I ever "lifted" from hotel rooms are the toiletries I used while there, the mini soaps and shampoos etc, because there is always a decent amount left, so why waste it? The room cleaners throw them out. I throw out bits of yarn when there isn't enough to make anything else with it, for instance if a piece is less than a metre length.

    1. I find those toiletries harsh on skin (unless I stay in a 5 star which doesn't happen often enough, lol) so I never lift them. I do lift the shower caps, however, and they laundry bags which are sturdy.


  5. I like EC's fridge magnet quote.
    I can't stand stray hairs aside from on my scalp, arms and legs. They must be shaved, plucked out or trimmed. Just as well I am not hairy.

    1. I'm noticing far too many on my face lately so I hear you Andrew. Immediate action. And I question why?


    2. We have bad memories of elderly relatives with very visible hairs sprouting out from somewhere.

  6. Waiting room newspapers containing crossword puzzles are irresistible for me.

    1. OMG Ramana, I do them in my head as I don't want to scrawl all over them. I feel your pain.


  7. I haven't visited here before and now I feel like I've learned your deepest secrets.

    1. Ah no, just a few quirkier ones tho I must say my life on here is quite an open book Inger.


  8. Amusing post. We all have our quirks, don't we?

  9. Won't comment on your other habits but Q-tips in your ear are a no-no. "Never poke anything in your ear smaller than your thumb" according to the Hard-of-hearing teacher at my school!

    1. Well Chris I was told nothing smaller than your elbow, I never poke with it, just a small swirl for absolutely no reason whatsoever.


  10. I usually have brought home miniature samples in hotels as miniatures of most things are irresistible to me for some unknown reason. I seldom if ever use them at home. I don't think of anything else except I do tend to be a saver of many things others would throw out. I often think of how to recycle their use but often don't have occasion to do so.

    1. I make mad plans for leftover everything but never quite achieve those goals too. I had to force myself to throw out a piece of duct tape after a quick repair today.


  11. All those ends and bits. I save them as well and use them for stuffing. I once saw a spinning lady combing all the coloured ends and spin them into her yarn. I called it colour soup and loved it. If I ever learn to spin, I'll do the same.

    1. Colour soup is a wonderful term, Charlotte. I once wove the silky hair of one of my dogs into a yarn when I attended weekly spin group sessions.


  12. I cannot leave the house without my Kindle, even if I'm driving somewhere and there will be no time to read. Something might happen, right, where I'm stuck on the side of a road? I use a Kindle because I can't hold a book open comfortably. I also have to brush my teeth the moment I finish eating. It started when I had trigeminal neuralgia, before the two brain surgeries to cure it, when any little sensation on my face would trigger horrendous pain. Tooth brushing itself was painful then, but it was the lesser of two evils. It's hard to get over the fear of trigeminal neuralgia, especially knowing it could come back any time, so I think this obsessive need is telling me I'm not over that fear as much as I think I am. And I say "I'm sorry" far too often. My adult daughters have given me limits on how many times I say it in one gathering. But I'm not as pitiful as I sound. It's just a habit.

    1. That must have been awful Linda, you've had such a rough go of it. "Sorry" can be like a tic of some kind. To relieve anxiety or give a time to reflect. We all have little tells like that.
      Mine is playing with my hair.


  13. Yes, we all have these weird little habits. In my case (to name but two) I always finish every last morsel on my dinner plate - I don't like to leave anything. Plus I tend to eat the different foods (vegetables, potatoes, pie etc) separately rather than mixed together.

    Jenny always plunders hotel rooms for as many free cosmetics and toiletries as she can cram into her suitcase.

    1. Nick you remind me of one of my brothers who hates anything touching on his plate. I think it's down to control (we had an angry father like yours).

      I can't stand those toiletries and never lift them but I understand the habit!



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